Bøker i kategorien Samfunn/politikk
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Dark Matter
Art is big business, with some artists able to command huge sums of money for their works, while the vast majority are ignored or dismissed by...
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Envisioning Real Utopias
Rising inequality of income and power, along with the recent convulsions in the finance sector, have made the search for alternatives to unbridled...
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The Great Credit Crash
The dominant accounts of the current financial crisis - focussing on the lack of regulation, out-of-control markets and irresponsible speculation -...
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Local Motion
We live, increasingly, in cities. Decisions about the things that matter to us most on a daily basis —our schools and roads and houses — happen...
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Hva er menneskerettigheter
Boken er en viktig innføring om grunnmuren i det norske samfunnet - menneskerettighetene.
Menneskerettighetene utfordres når det begås...
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I krig og fred
Thomas Chr. Wyller (f. 1922), professor i statsvitenskap, har vært en synlig aktør på den offentlige arena i nesten 70 år. Han har skrevet et...
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P2-akademiet, bind XLII
Litteratur, historie, jus, kulturforskning, filosofi, biologi, astronomi, religion, medisin, musikk... Dette er noen av de mange fagområdene som...
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Globale utfordringer
Det internasjonale systemet som ble skapt etter andre verdenskrig er i ferd med å forvitre. Nye stormakter seiler opp og nye organisasjoner som G20...
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Markedets fremtid: Kapitalismen i krise?
Vil finanskrisen medføre et idéhistorisk epokeskifte, eller vil kapitalismen og markedsliberalismen likevel overleve? Finnes det egentlig noe...
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Hundätarna i Svinia
Många gånger har österrikaren Karl-Markus Gauss packat väskan och givit sig av för att utforska "periferins Europa". Denna gång reser...
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After the Party: Corruption and the ANC
The first insider’s exposé of the African National Congress. Andrew Feinstein, a former ANC member of parliament, recounts how Mandela”s...
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Är sex arbete? Svensk och tysk prostitutionspolitik sedan 1970-talet
Få saker har under årtusendena väckt så motstridiga känslor och hetsiga diskussioner som försäljningen av sexuella tjänster.
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The Politics of Spain
Spain’s evolution from authoritarian dictatorship to modern democracy was a remarkable achievement, and it created a model that has since been...
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African Women’s Movements
Women entered the political scene in Africa after the 1990s, claiming more than one third of the parliamentary seats in countries like Mozambique,...
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The Environment and International Relations
This exciting new textbook introduces students to the ways in which the theories and tools of International Relations can be used to analyse and...
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Vad sker i ett samhälle när de som redan är rika blir ännu rikare och allt mer avlägsnar sig från folkflertalet och dess villkor? I...
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The Rise of the Network Society
This first book in Castells' groundbreaking trilogy, with a substantial new preface, highlights the economic and social dynamics of the...
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Samråd om Ostlänken
Ostlänken är en ny planerad höghastighetsjärnväg mellan Linköping och Järna. Den är tänkt att vara en del av en ny förbindelse mellan...
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Kan hende det gjelder å redde vår jord
Denne boken er resultatet av et samarbeid mellom SV's idédugnad Verden til Venstre, og Forlaget Manifest. Boken tar for seg de vanskelige...
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Black Enough/White Enough
“Barack is caught between two worlds and struggles for acceptance by either side–Black enough? White enough? It’s a fine line that he must...
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Organisationspraktiker och målförändring
Varför ändras organisationers mål? Är det för att ledningen av olika skäl överger, förråder eller sviker de ursprungliga målen? Är det...
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Cosmopolitan Communications
Societies around the world have experienced a flood of information from diverse channels originating beyond local communities and even national...
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Gender Inequality
The age of the male breadwinner and the female caregiver has passed, but gender inequality is as persistent as ever. This major new work intervenes...
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Governing Sustainability
The crisis of unsustainability is, above all else, a crisis of governance. The transition to a more sustainable world will inevitably require radical...
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