Bøker av Anne Carson

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Short Talks: Brick Book Classics 1
Deluxe redesign of the two-time Griffin Award winner's first poetry collection. On the occasion of the press's 40th anniversary, Brick Books is proud... Les mer
Korte foredrag
I Korte foredrag utfordrer Anne Carson prosadikt-sjangeren der hun i førtifem ulike tekster reflekterer rundt et bredt utvalg av emner, som Franz... Les mer
Wrong Norma
Published here in a stunning edition with images created by Carson, several of the twenty-five startling poetic prose pieces have appeared in... Les mer
Eros the Bittersweet
Selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 best nonfiction books of all time A book about romantic love, Eros the Bittersweet is Anne Carson's... Les mer
H of H Playbook
In myth Herakles is an embodiment of manly violence who returns home after years of making war on enemies and monsters (his famous "Labours of... Les mer
The Trojan Women: A Comic
Here is a new comic-book version of Euripides's classic The Trojan Women, which follows the fates of Hekabe, Andromache, and Kassandra after Troy has... Les mer
Norma Jeane Baker of Troy
Norma Jeane Baker of Troy is a meditation on the destabilizing and destructive power of beauty, drawing together Helen of Troy and Marilyn Monroe,... Les mer
Eros den bitterljuva
Anne Carsons storartade debut från 1986 presenteras nu för första gången på svenska. I denna essäbok, som idag ses som en klassiker,... Les mer
Lediga män
Broder vin mjölk honung blommor. Blommor mjölk honung broder vin. Hur lång tid tar det för ljudet att dö ut?   I sin tredje... Les mer
Kort sagt
”Jag gör vad som helst för att undvika långtråkighet. Det är en livsuppgift. Man kan aldrig veta nog, aldrig arbeta nog, aldrig använda... Les mer
Det oförlorades ekonomi
Vad har den antike grekiske poeten Simonides, känd för att ha uppfunnit minneskonsten och för att varit först med att ta betalt för poesi, att... Les mer
Penguin Modern Poets 1
The Penguin Modern Poets are succinct guides to the richness and diversity of contemporary poetry. Every volume brings together representative... Les mer
Hegel writes in his Aesthetics The Antigone is one of the most sublime and in every respect most excellent works of art of all time. Simone Weil... Les mer
Röd doc>
I Röd självbiografi (Panache 2009) berättade Anne Carson om den unge pojken Geryon – ett rött bevingat monster – och hans olyckliga kärlek... Les mer
Oven vande
Oven vande er en samling af individuelle performancetekster, digte, oversættelser, essays og småtekster, som er trykt hver for sig, men samlet i en... Les mer
Red Doc>
Some years ago I wrote a book about a boy named Geryon who was red and had wings and fell in love with Herakles. Recently I began to wonder what... Les mer
Wildly Constant/Uendelig konstant
Wildly Contstant er en hyllest til og en meditasjon over kunstneren Roni Horns anerkjente Vatnasafn/Library of Water (2007). Anne... Les mer
Makens skönhet
Makens skönhet – en fiktiv essä i 29 tangos är en poetisk berättelse om ett äktenskap. Utifrån den romantiske poeten John Keats tanke att... Les mer
Nox is an epitaph in the form of a book, a facsimile of a handmade book Anne Carson wrote and created after the death of her brother. The poem... Les mer
Röd självbiografi
Geryon, en pojke som också är ett rött bevingat monster, avslöjar sin själs vulkaniska landskap i en självbiografi som han inleder när han är... Les mer
An Oresteia (Agamemnon, Elektra, Orestes)
In this innovative rendition of "The Oresteia", the poet, translator, and essayist Anne Carson combines three different visions - Aischylos'... Les mer
Decreation: Poetry, Essays, Opera
A remarkable compilation of literary writings by the critically acclaimed author of Autobiography of Red features an array of original poetry,... Les mer
In her first collection in five years, Anne Carson contemplates 'decreation' - an activity described by Simone Weil as 'undoing the creature in us' -... Les mer
If Not, Winter. Fragments of Sappho
From poet and classicist Anne Carson comes this translation of the work of Sappho, together with the original Greek. During her life on the island of... Les mer