Bøker av Cass R. Sunstein

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Se for deg at to leger i samme by gir totalt ulike diagnoser til identiske pasienter – eller at to dommere ved samme domstol idømmer helt ulike... Les mer
Laws of Fear
What is the relationship between fear, danger, and the law? Cass Sunstein attacks the increasingly influential Precautionary Principle - the idea... Les mer
Laws of Fear
What is the relationship between fear, danger, and the law? Cass Sunstein attacks the increasingly influential Precautionary Principle - the idea... Les mer
Risk and Reason
What should be done about airplane safety and terrorism, global warming, polluted water, nuclear power, and genetically engineered food? All over the... Les mer
Risk and Reason
What should be done about airplane safety and terrorism, global warming, polluted water, nuclear power, and genetically engineered food? All over the... Les mer
Behavioral Law and Economics
This exciting volume marks the birth of a new field, one which attempts to study law with reference to an accurate understanding of human behavior.... Les mer