Bøker av Charles Tilly

Kun lagervarer
Democracy identifies the general processes causing democratization and de-democratization at a national level across the world over the last few... Les mer
Democracy identifies the general processes causing democratization and de-democratization at a national level across the world over the last few... Les mer
Trust and Rule
Rightly fearing that unscrupulous rulers would break them up, seize their resources, or submit them to damaging forms of intervention, strong... Les mer
Trust and Rule
Rightly fearing that unscrupulous rulers would break them up, seize their resources, or submit them to damaging forms of intervention, strong... Les mer
Contention and Democracy in Europe, 1650–2000
Contention and Democracy in Europe, 1650–2000 is an analysis of the relationship between democratization and contentious politics that builds upon... Les mer
Contention and Democracy in Europe, 1650–2000
Contention and Democracy in Europe, 1650–2000 is an analysis of the relationship between democratization and contentious politics that builds upon... Les mer
Beständig ojämlikhet
Varför är alla moderna samhällen ojämlika? Är det något som är önskvärt eller av naturen givet, eller kan det reformeras bort? I denna nya... Les mer