Bøker av D. H. Lawrence

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Fugler, beist og blomster
D.H. Lawrence (1885–1930) var en av sin tids mest omtalte forfattere, blant annet kalt profet, pornograf, provokatør og radikaler. Lawrence kom... Les mer
Life with a Capital L
In Life with a Capital L, Geoff Dyer has selected some of [Lawrence's] most fascinating and accessible pieces to tempt new readers. Comedy and humour... Les mer
Il Duro
'But I ran up the broken stairway, and came out suddenly, as if by a miracle, clean on the platform of my San Tommaso, in the tremendous sunshine.'... Les mer
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and... Les mer
Musikken tok til igjen, og dansen. Han la beslag på henne. Hun kjente et vilt, hvitt, kaldt raseri i hjertet. Men han holdt henne tett inntil seg og... Les mer
The Vicar's Garden and Other Stories
The volume collects together manuscript and other early versions of thirteen of D. H. Lawrence’s short stories, including some of the best-known... Les mer
Studies in Classic American Literature
Studies in Classic American Literature, first published in 1923, provides a cross-section of Lawrence’s writing on American literature, including... Les mer