Bøker av David Graeber

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Cities Made Differently
Full of playful graphics, provocative questions, and curious facts, this book asks what makes a city and how we might make them differently. What... Les mer
The Ultimate Hidden Truth of the World
Drawn from more than two decades of pathbreaking writing, the iconic and bestselling David Graeber's most important essays and interviews. 'David... Les mer
The Dawn of Everything
A dramatically new understanding of human history, challenging our most fundamental assumptions about social evolution—from the development of... Les mer
Bullshit Jobs: A Theory
From bestselling writer David Graeber, a powerful argument against the rise of meaningless, unfulfilling jobs, and their consequences. Does your... Les mer
Revolusjoner i revers
I den nye rekken av Cappelens upopulære skrifter kommer Revolusjoner i revers av David Graeber som nr. 72. I denne essaysamlingen utforsker David... Les mer
The Utopia Of Rules
From the author of the international bestseller Debt: The First 5,000 Years comes a revelatory account of the way bureaucracy rules our... Les mer
The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual
The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual is a handbook for debtors everywhere to understand how this system really works, while providing practical... Les mer
The Democracy Project
From their earliest meetings, activist David Graeber knew that the Occupy Wall Street movement was something different. From small beginnings its... Les mer
Lost People
Betafo, a rural community in central Madagascar, is divided between the descendants of nobles and descendants of slaves. Anthropologist David Graeber... Les mer