Bøker av Djuna Barnes

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When it was first published in 1928, Djuna Barnes s Ryder, a bawdy mock- Elizabethan chronicle of a family very much like her own, was described in... Les mer
I Am Alien to Life: Selected stories
The best of Djuna Barnes's dark, droll, incisive short fiction, spanning her all-too-brief career, edited and introduced by Merve Emre. Djuna... Les mer
A Book
Much of A Book is adapted from writing that appeared in the earliest years of Barnes' career, during the 1910s and early 1920s . . .Of the... Les mer
Ladies Almanack
This work is a novel in which real persons or actual events figure under disguise. Its subject is the predominantly lesbian social circle centering... Les mer
Nattens skogar
»Oförglömlig berättelse om två kvinnors kärlek och lidande. Att läsa den är som att dricka vin och se en pärla upplösas i glaset. Du har... Les mer
Natt bland hästar
»Djuna Barnes imponerades av inget, men fascinerades av allt. Mest av allt var hon en skicklig iakttagare av människor, fra n tonläge och ordval... Les mer
Nightwood, Djuna Barnes' strange and sinuous tour de force, "belongs to that small class of books that somehow reflect a time or an epoch"... Les mer