Bøker av Ernesto Laclau

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Hegemony and Socialist Strategy
In this hugely influential book, Laclau and Mouffe examine the workings of hegemony and contemporary social struggles, and their significance for... Les mer
Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory
Ernesto Laclau is best known for co-authoring Hegemony and Socialist Strategy, with Chantal Mouffe. Politically active in the social and student... Les mer
Hegemonin och den socialistiska strategin
Hegemonin och den socialistiska strategin (1985) är en klassiker inom den politiska teorin, en given referens­punkt för dagens samhällsdebatter... Les mer
In Emancipation(s), Ernesto Laclau addresses a central question: how have the changes of the last decade, together with the transformation in... Les mer
On Populist Reason
What are the political logics explaining the spread of populist experiences in the contemporary world? What is involved in constructing the idea of... Les mer