Bøker av Isabelle Stengers

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En aktiv sunn fornuft? Lesning av Whitehead i oppløsningens tid
I sin nyeste bok tar den belgiske fysikeren og vitenskapsfilosofen Isabelle Stengers for seg forholdet mellom vitenskapelig ekspertkunnskap og common... Les mer
Women Who Make a Fuss
Virginia Woolf, to whom university admittance had been forbidden, watched the universities open their doors. Though she was happy that her sisters... Les mer
Another Science Is Possible
Like fast food, fast science is quickly prepared, not particularly good, and it clogs up the system. Efforts to tackle our most pressing issues have... Les mer
In Catastrophic Times
This book is addressed to everyone who is struggling and experimenting today, to everyone who is a true contemporary of what Stengers dares to call... Les mer
TheInvention of Modern Science
The so-called exact sciences have always claimed to be different from other forms of knowledge. How are we to evaluate this assertion? Should we try... Les mer
Power and Invention: Situating Science
Using the law of thermodynamics, Stengers sets out to explain the consequences of non-linear dynamics (or chaos theory) for philosophy and science.... Les mer