Bøker av Jacques Ranciére

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Staging the People
These essays from the 1970s mark the inception of the distinctive project that Jacques Ranci re has pursued across forty years, with four interwoven... Les mer
The Intervals of Cinema
The cinema, like language, can be said to exist as a system of differences. In his latest book the acclaimed philosopher Jacques Ranciere relates... Les mer
What Is a People?
What Is a People? seeks to reclaim "people" as an effective political concept by revisiting its uses and abuses over time. Alain Badiou surveys the... Les mer
Recognition or Disagreement
Axel Honneth is best known for his critique of modern society centered on a concept of recognition. Jacques Ranciere has advanced an influential... Les mer
Bela Tarr, The Time After
From Almanac of Fall (1984) to The Turin Horse (2011), renowned Hungarian filmmaker Bela Tarr has followed the collapse of the communist promise. The... Les mer
Democracy in What State?
"Is it meaningful to call oneself a democrat? And if so, how do you interpret the word?" In responding to this question, eight... Les mer
Sanselighetens politikk
I denne boka gir Jacques Rancière et nytt perspektiv på kunstens relevans i samfunnet, både historisk og i vår samtid. Hvordan forholder kunsten... Les mer
Mallarmé The politics of the siren
This is the first English translation of Ranciere's study of the 19th century French poet and critic Stephane Mallarme. In this concise and... Les mer
Den okunnige läraren
Kan man lära ut sådant man inte vet någonting om? Kan man undervisa utan att förklara? Filosofen Jacques Rancière berättar här historien om... Les mer
The Idea Of Communism
Contributors Slavoj A iA ek, Alain Badiou, Antoni Negri, Michael Hardt, Jacques Ranciere, Terry Eagleton, Jean-Luc Nancy, Susan Buck-Morss, Bruno... Les mer
Démocratie, dans quel état?
Qu est-ce donc qu un démocrate, je vous prie ? C est là un mot vague, banal, sans acception précise, un mot en caoutchouc. » Cette question, ce... Les mer
The Emancipated Spectator
The role of the viewer in art and film theory revolves around a theatrical concept of the spectacle. The masses subjected to the society of spectacle... Les mer
Aesthetics And Its Discontents
This book is translated by Steven Corcoran. Only yesterday aesthetics stood accused of concealing cultural games of social distinction. Now it is... Les mer
The Future of the Image
In The Future of the Image, Jacques Rancière develops a fascinating new concept of the image in contemporary art, showing how art and politics have... Les mer
On the Shores of Politics
This major French thinker gives politics back its original and necessary meaning: the organization of dissent. “Rancière’s writings offer one... Les mer
Texter om politik och estetik
Jacques Rancière har sedan 60-talet i en lång serie böcker utvecklat ett radikalt jämlikhetstänkande. Hans arbeten om politisk teori, estetik,... Les mer