Bøker av Jacques Roubaud
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Någonting svart
1983 avled Jacques Roubauds hustru, fotografen och Wittgensteinkännaren Alix Cléo Roubaud, av en blodpropp i lungan. Efter 30 månaders tystnad...
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Poetry, etcetera: Cleaning House
What is poetry today, and how does it fit into our lives? Through a series of intelligent, personal, and often humorous essays, the great French poet...
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Noget sort
Jacques Roubauds digtsamling fra 1986 er en moderne klassiker og en naturlig søsterudgivelse til fortællingen Londons store brand (som man dog ikke...
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Hortense in Exile
Set to marry Gormanskoï, the Premier Prince Presumptive, our beautiful heroine Hortense has been exiled to Queneau'stown, where she finds herself in...
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La belle Hortense
Jacques Roubaud, born in 1932, has been a professor of mathematics at the University of Paris X Nanterre and is one of the most accomplished members...
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