Bøker av Jorge Luis Borges

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Jorge Luis Borges 3: 1971-1986
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), av många ansedd som 1900-talets mest inflytelserika författare, är äntligen på väg att få den ordentliga... Les mer
Jorge Luis Borges
"Believe me: the benefits of blindness have been greatly exaggerated. If I could see, I would never leave the house, I'd stay indoors reading the... Les mer
Borges og jeg
En række korte fiktionsstykker og digte af den verdensberømte argentinske forfatter oversættes her for første gang til dansk. Borges og jeg er... Les mer
Book Of Sand And Shakespeare’s Memory
The Book of Sand was the last of Borges' major collections to be published. He described them as variations on favourite themes...combining a plain... Les mer
Brodie’s Report
At the age of seventy, after a gap of twenty years, Jorge Luis Borges returned to writing short stories. In Brodie's Report and In Praise of Darkness... Les mer
The Aleph
In stories that play with the very form of the short story, in this collection, Borges returns again and again to his themes: dreams, labyrinths,... Les mer
Jorge Luis Borges's Labyrinths is a collection of short stories and essays showcasing one of Latin America's most influential and imaginative... Les mer
Collected Fictions
For the first time in English, all the fiction by the writer who has been called "the greatest Spanish-language writer of our century" collected in a... Les mer
Jorge Luis Borges was one of those very rare creators who changed the face of an art form – in his case, the short story. His work has been paid... Les mer