Bøker av Lorraine Daston

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Mot naturen
Hvorfor har mennesker, på tvers av ulike kulturer og epoker, sett til naturen som en kilde til normer? I debatter om alt fra kjønn og seksualitet... Les mer
A panoramic history of rules in the Western world Rules order almost every aspect of our lives. They set our work hours, dictate how we drive and... Les mer
Classical Probability in the Enlightenment, New Edition
An award-winning history of the Enlightenment quest to devise a mathematical model of rationality What did it mean to be reasonable in the Age of... Les mer
Science in the Archives
Archives bring to mind rooms filled with old papers and dusty artifacts. But for scientists, the detritus of the past can be a treasure trove of... Les mer
How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind
In the United States at the height of the Cold War, roughly between the end of World War II and the early 1980s, a new project of redefining... Les mer
Histories of Scientific Observation
Observation is the most pervasive and fundamental practice of all the modern sciences, both natural and human. Its instruments include not only the... Les mer
The emergence of objectivity in the mid-nineteenth-century sciences, as revealed through images in scientific atlases-a story of how lofty epistemic... Les mer
Thinking with Animals
Is anthropomorphism a scientific sin? Scientists and animal researchers routinely warn against "animal stories," and contrast rigorous explanations... Les mer