Bøker av Naomi Klein

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Det brenner
I over 20 år har Naomi Kleins bøker definert vår tid. Beskrevet hvordan kloden vår, og svært mange av menneskene som bor på den, utnyttes og... Les mer
On fire
For more than twenty years Naomi Klein's books have defined our era, chronicling the exploitation of people and the planet and demanding justice. On... Les mer
No Is Not Enough
In No Is Not Enough Klein turns her lens on the occupant of the most powerful office in the world to give us a bitingly sharp toolkit for... Les mer
Dette forandrer alt
Glem alt du trodde du visste om global oppvarming - det handler ikke om karbon, det handler om kapitalisme. I sin skarpeste bok så langt... Les mer
This Changes Everything
Naomi Klein, author of the number 1 international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, returns with This Changes Everything, a must-read on... Les mer
War with No End
This title is published on the 6th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, the beginning of the 'War on Terror', John Berger, Naomi... Les mer