Bøker av Rachel Cusk

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Et tilfluktssted
En historie om skjebne og undergang som utspilles i en lukket verden av tette og brutte forbindelser - fra forfatteren av Omriss-trilogien. M, en... Les mer
I 2009 gjennomgår Rachel Cusk et samlivsbrudd, og i ruinene av ekteskapet står en hudløs kvinne med sine to døtre. Hun er sint og sårbar, og... Les mer
A woman on a plane listens to the stranger in the seat next to hers telling her the story of his life: his work, his marriage, and the harrowing... Les mer
A Life’s Work
A Life's Work is Rachel Cusk's funny, moving, brutally honest account of her early experiences of motherhood. An education in babies, books,... Les mer
In the winter of 2009, Rachel Cusk's marriage of ten years came to an end. In the months that followed, life as she had known it came apart, "like a... Les mer
Arlington Park
Arlington Park is an ordinary English suburb. Over the course of a single day, the novel moves from one household to another, revealing its... Les mer
The Country Life
Stella Benson sets off for Hilltop, a tiny Sussex village housing a family that is somewhat larger than life. Her hopes for the Maddens may be high,... Les mer
In the wake of a family collapse, a writer and her two young sons move to London. The process of upheaval is a catalyst for a number of transitions-... Les mer
A woman arrives in Athens in the height of the summer to teach a writing course. Once there, she becomes the audience to a chain of narratives as the... Les mer
En ung forfatter reiser til Aten for å holde et skrivekurs. Underveis møter hun mennesker som åpner seg for henne og forteller om livet sitt: den... Les mer
Medea: A New Version by Rachel Cusk
Medea's marriage is breaking up. And so is everything else. Testing the limits of revenge and liberty, Euripides' seminal play cuts to the heart of... Les mer
The Bradshaw Variations
Since leaving his job to look after Alexa, his eight-year-old daughter, Thomas Bradshaw has found the structure of his daily piano practice and the... Les mer