Bøker av Virginia Woolf
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Love Letters: Vita and Virginia
'I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and it has all...
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Between the Acts
'One of the great writers of the twentieth century' Guardian
It is June in 1939, and the inhabitants of a country house prepare to host the...
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Selected Short Stories
'Woolf is modern ... With Joyce and Eliot she has shaped a literary century' Jeanette Winterson
Virginia Woolf tested the boundaries of fiction in...
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Genius and Ink
Who better to serve as a guide to great books and their authors than Virginia Woolf?
In the early years of its existence, the Times Literary...
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Mrs. Dalloway
Tidlig en morgen i juni går Clarissa Dalloway ut for å kjøpe blomster. Om kvelden skal hun holde fest, og huset vil fylles med fremtredende...
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Ett eget rum
»En kvinna måste ha pengar och eget rum, om hon skall kunna skriva romaner.«
Det revolutionerande med den var tilltalet: Ett eget...
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Et eget rom / Tre guineas
Den feministiske klassikeren "Et eget rom" er en nøkkel til Virginia Woolfs forfatterskap. Essayet er basert på en forelesning om kvinner og...
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Tre guineas
Detta är en ny, modern översättning (2017) av detta klassiska verk av Virginia Woolf.
"Hur ska vi enligt er uppfattning kunna förhindra krig?"...
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Samlade noveller & prosaskisser
»I det museum som litteraturhistorien utgör har Virginia Woolf verkligen fått sig inrättat ett eget rum - Joyce får nöja sig med att...
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Et rids af fortiden
Et rids af Virginia Woolfs (1882-1941) erindringer, med udgangspunkt i først moderens og dernæst søsteren Stellas død. Hun beskriver bl.a. sit...
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To The Lighthouse (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
Rediscover one of Virginia Woolf's greatest works in this beautiful new gift edition from Vintage Classics. Mr and Mrs Ramsay and their eight...
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Orlando (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
As his tale begins, Orlando is a passionate young nobleman whose days are spent in rowdy revelry, filled with the colourful delights of Queen...
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The Years (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
The Years follows the lives of the Pargiters, a large middle-class London family, from an uncertain spring in 1880 to a party on a summer evening in...
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Mrs Dalloway (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
In this vivid portrait of one day in a woman's life, Clarissa Dalloway is preoccupied with the last-minute details of a party she is to give that...
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A Room of One’s Own And Three Guineas (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
This volume combines two books which were among the greatest contributions to feminist literature this century. Together they form a brilliant attack...
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För Virginia Woolf finns inga skarpa gränser mellan dagbok, brev, essä och roman. Det blir som mest tydligt i de blixtrande infallsrika och...
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Ett eget rum
Virginia Woolfs lek med ett satiriskt »Oxbridge« kom att bli en av världens mest banbrytande skrifter om kvinnor, skrift, fiktioner och...
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Jacobs rum
Jacobs rum (1922) är berättelsen om den unge Jacob Flanders utveckling från barn till ung man. "Jacob är alla och ingen. Han speglar världen...
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