Bøker av William Shakespeare

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The Two Gentlemen of Verona
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of The Two Gentlemen of Verona is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series.... Les mer
Antony and Cleopatra
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of Antony and Cleopatra is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like... Les mer
Troilus og Kressida
Skuespillet bygger på den gammelgreske sagnkretsen om Trojanerkrigen. Kongssønnen Troilus elsker Cressida, datter av en prest som har gått over... Les mer
All’s Well that Ends Well
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of All’s Well That Ends Well is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series.... Les mer
King Henry V
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of Henry V is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like every other... Les mer
Measure for Measure
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of Measure for Measure is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like... Les mer
The Third Part of King Henry VI
A series of outstanding productions by the Royal Shakespeare Company and others has recently demonstrated the theatrical vitality of Shakespeare’s... Les mer
The Third Part of King Henry VI
A series of outstanding productions by the Royal Shakespeare Company and others has recently demonstrated the theatrical vitality of Shakespeare’s... Les mer
The Taming of the Shrew
Cambridge School Shakespeare offers an active approach to classroom Shakespeare, enabling students to inhabit Shakespeare’s imaginative world in... Les mer
King Richard II
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of Richard II is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like every other... Les mer
The Comedy of Errors
An active approach to Shakespeare in the classroom. This edition of The Comedy of Errors is part of the Cambridge School Shakespeare series. Like... Les mer
The Second Part of King Henry VI
Shakespeare’s plays about the reign of Henry VI, written at the beginning of his career, were for a long time undervalued. This was because of... Les mer
The First Part of King Henry VI
Shakespeare’s plays about the reign of Henry VI, written at the beginning of his career, were for a long time undervalued. This was because of... Les mer
King Henry VIII
Henry VIII was one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays in the eighteenth and nineteeenth centuries when great actors took the roles of Queen... Les mer
King John
King John had a distinguished life on the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century stage, but for most of this century the play has been undervalued. The... Les mer
The First Part of King Henry VI
Shakespeare’s plays about the reign of Henry VI, written at the beginning of his career, were for a long time undervalued. This was because of... Les mer
King Henry VIII
Henry VIII was one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays in the eighteenth and nineteeenth centuries when great actors took the roles of Queen... Les mer
King John
King John had a distinguished life on the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century stage, but for most of this century the play has been undervalued. The... Les mer
Som dere vil
I «Som dere vil» er scenen satt til Arden-skogen. Stykkets helt er Rosalind, datter av den landsforviste hertugen. Han er drevet på flukt av... Les mer