Bøker fra A & C Black Publishers Ltd

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Mother Courage and Her Children
One of Brecht's most famous plays and a classic of modern literature/theatre, this Student Edition features a comprehensive introduction,... Les mer
This book is a pocket history of film, covering technical developments, famous directors, actors, and films as well as genres such as Westerns, film... Les mer
Fear and Misery in the Third Reich
Also known as The Private Life of the Master Race, this is a sequence of twenty-four realistic sketches showing how "ordinary" life under... Les mer
Complete Plays
When Blasted was first produced at the Royal Court in 1995 it was hailed jointly as a masterpiece and a 'disgusting piece of filth' (Daily... Les mer
Brecht Collected Plays: Two
One of a series of eight, this volume features the plays Man Equals Man, The Elephant Calf, The Threepenny Opera, The Rise and Fall of the City of... Les mer
Brecht Collected Plays: Six
One of a series of eight, this volume features the plays The Good Person of Szechwan, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, and Mr Puntila and his Man... Les mer
Brecht Collected Plays: Three
Volume three of "Brecht's Collected Plays" brings together in paperback volume 3.i and volume 3.ii of the hardback series. Also... Les mer
Brecht Collected Plays: Five
This volume brings together two of Brecht's most studied and performed plays: Life of Galileo and Mother Courage and Her Children together with... Les mer
On Theatre
This selection of Bertolt Brecht's critical writing charts the development of his thinking on theatre and aesthetics over four decades. The... Les mer
Life of Galileo
This Student Edition of Brecht's classic dramatisation of the conflict between free enquiry and official ideology features an extensive... Les mer