Alyson Singes
Caroline Bergvall has emerged over the past decade as one of the most brilliantly inventive poets of our time, with an approach to acoustic performance that is nothing short of sensational. Alyson Singes overlays Chaucerian sound patterning onto contemporary sites; a dazzling, politically charged realization of diachronic vernacular, the old emerging from the new like mist from a deep fissure.
– Charles Bernstein
Nøkkelord: Poesi Samtidspoesi Audiatur 2007 AudiaTour
- Forlag: Belladonna Books
- Utgivelsesår: 2009
- Merknad: Midlertidig utsolgt. Nytt opplag ventes
- Kategori: Poesi
- Lagerstatus: Ikke på lagerVarsle meg når denne kommer på lager
- Innbinding: Heftet