Bøker fra BlazeVOX Books

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"My introduction to Mark Cunningham came when a small swarm of [beetles] arrived in my inbox at Otoliths. Delightful things, that I was... Les mer
t&u& lash your nipples to a post history is gorgeous
"Only a coherent perception of life, informed by artistic engagement, can offer the cynic of a dark age any hope or enlightenment, and make a... Les mer
For the Ordinary Artist
"'Opinions are not literature' Gertrude Stein famously admonished Ernest Hemingway. It's a maxim that puts most art critics behind the... Les mer
The Complete Collection of People, Places & Things
"John Woods' THE COMPLETE COLLECTION brings the small-town America of Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio into conversation with Italo Calvino's... Les mer
Zero Summer
"Demcak continues to blossom as a poet of note with ZERO SUMMER, his newest collection of pieces of imagination married to craftsmanship. These... Les mer
There’s Something Wrong With Sven
Fiction. In this group of flash fiction and short stories Greg Gerke looks at the world with a sometimes absurd, sometimes tragic, but entirely... Les mer
"These are not merely some of the most extraordinary lyrics about central European urban realities since the death of the great Polish... Les mer
Thirty Miles to Rosebud
Fiction. "THIRTY MILES TO ROSEBUD depicts a series of imploding families and fast interstates. Barbara Henning's landscapes--a rust-belt... Les mer
Rude Girl
Poetry. "In RUDE GIRL, light 'scrime[s],' a girl secretly 'places a button under her tongue,' and a tide is a 'pseudonym' both for not speaking... Les mer
The Sensory Cabinet
Poetry. "Throughout this book and its poems, DuCharme seems to be about to define his project, but as you eagerly slide into a suggested... Les mer
All My Eggs Are Broken
Michael Basinski is the curator of The Poetry Collection State University of New York at Buffalo. He performs his work as a solo poet and in ensemble... Les mer
Homemade Traps for New World Brians
"These are poems for our new millennium. Evan Willner explores the state, or rather the states, we are in, with fifty poems of remarkable... Les mer