
Fair warning: what you’re about to get your hands on is all stolen goods. What that means is that I didn’t write a word that appears on these pages. Not a single one. Every word is an act of theft. Every word is hot.

Erasure, remix, and mash-up are the three forms sold in the BlackMarket.

Joseph A. W. Quintela writes. Poems. Stories. On Post-its. Walls. Envelopes. Cocktail napkins. Twitter. YouTube. Anything he gets his hands on, really. If you are a dreamer, that might include you. Moving between page and body, his #Bookdress series seeks to create a hybrid form of living poem by dressing poets in poetry. As the curator at Deadly Chaps Press, he publishes several series of chapbooks, a monthly eReview (Short, Fast, and Deadly), and a dark-horse publishing collective (rIgor mort.US).