Bøker fra University of Minnesota Press

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Thinker on stage
Thinker on Stage is Peter Sloterdijk's audacious, empathetic reading of Friedrich Nietzche's first published work, The Birth of Tragedy out of the... Les mer
Avatars of Story
This work traces the transformation of storytelling in the digital age. Since its inception, narratology has developed primarily as an investigation... Les mer
The Tears of Things
We surround ourselves with material things that are invested with memories but can only stand for what we have lost. Physical objects—such as... Les mer
Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation
Gilles Deleuze had several paintings by Francis Bacon hanging in his Paris apartment, and the painter’s method and style as well as his motifs of... Les mer
Cuban Palimpsests
Four decades ago, the Cuban revolution captured the world's attention and imagination. Its impact around the world was as much cultural as... Les mer
TheInvention of Modern Science
The so-called exact sciences have always claimed to be different from other forms of knowledge. How are we to evaluate this assertion? Should we try... Les mer
Means without End: Notes on Politics
An essential reevaluation of the proper role of politics in contemporary life. A critical rethinking of the categories of politics within a new... Les mer
Power and Invention: Situating Science
Using the law of thermodynamics, Stengers sets out to explain the consequences of non-linear dynamics (or chaos theory) for philosophy and science.... Les mer
The Coming Community
In this extraordinary and original philosophical achievement, Agamben develops the concept of community and the social implications of his... Les mer
The Postmodern Explained
An engaging collection of letters written to young philosophers and theorists by the legendary philosopher. "In the Postmodern Explained, a... Les mer
The Inoperative Community
Beskrivelse mangler. Se gjerne forlagets (University of Minnesota Press) hjemmeside, der det kan finnes mer... Les mer
Critique Of Cynical Reason
Upon its publication in Germany in 1983, this author's book stirred both critical acclaim and consternation, attracting a wide readership. He finds... Les mer