Bøker i kategorien Biografi
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At Home with André and Simone Weil
Translated from the French by Benjamin Ivry Simone Weil was one of the twentieth century’s most original philosopher-critics, and as a result her...
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Dawn Clark Netsch - A Political Life
Illinois Democratic politics has recently produced the most skilled and inspirational politician in memory . . . and has also reminded us of the need...
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Født til frihet
Hvem var Jens Bjørneboe? Hva var det ved denne skikkelsen som gjorde ham så myteomspunnet? Og hvordan endte skipsredersønnen fra Kristiansand til...
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Poe: A Life Cut Short
Edgar Allan Poe began his literary career composing verses modelled on Byron. Poe has been claimed as the forerunner of modern fantasy. This...
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Reborn: Early diaries 1947-1963
Reborn is the compelling and frank early diary of Susan Sontag. "Vivid, exhilarating, often moving ...charts the development of a good writer...
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In Search of Fatima
“Her memoir is the story of a fascinating woman . . . If it is a truism to say that no one endures such a catastrophe as that of 1948 with anything...
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The House of Wittgenstein
The Wittgenstein family was one of the richest, most talented and most eccentric in European history. The domineering paternal influence of Karl...
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Alain Badiou Presents Karl Marx
Karl Marx’s analysis of the Paris Commune of 1871, when the citizens of Paris rose up against their government and installed a system of radical...
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Veien til frihet
Etter løslatelsen fra fengselet, har Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela fremstått som en av verdens fremste ledere. I denne selvbiografien forteller han om...
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Dansat med lyckan
För första gången på svenska: Edith Piafs självbiografi Dansat med lyckan (Au bal de la chance). Det här är Edith Piafs egen berättelse om...
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Dante: A Life
An insightful biography of Florence's famous son.
Acclaimed biog rap her R.W.B. Lewis traces the life and complex development? emotional,...
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Locke: A Biography
This is the first comprehensive biography of John Locke to be published in nearly a half century. Setting Locke’s life within exciting historical...
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Mikhail Bulgakov: A Critical Biography
When it was published this was the full, post-glasnost critical biography of Mikhail Bulgakov (1891–1940), a great comic writer whose works are...
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A Tempered Wind - An Autobiography
Poet Karen Gershon (1923–1993) opens A Tempered Wind, the sequel to volume 1 of her autobiography A Lesser Child, in 1943. It begins tragically...
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Paul Bowles: A Life
Paul Bowles, best known for his classic 1949 novel, The Sheltering Sky, is one of the most compelling yet elusive figures of twentieth-century...
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En blå hyacint i Paris
En blå hyacint i Paris skildrar en kvinnlig konstnärs liv: I barndomens Kalmar, på konstakademien, i konstnärskretsar i Paris och...
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Isaac Rosenberg - The Making of a Great War Poet
"Wilson is excellent on Rosenberg's life and her comments on his poems are always grounded." -- Frances Spalding, Daily...
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The Prophet
“Surely this must be counted among the greatest biographies in the English language.” — Graham Greene
“Trotsky’s epic defence of the...
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A Tempered Wind - An Autobiography
Poet Karen Gershon (1923–1993) opens A Tempered Wind, the sequel to volume 1 of her autobiography A Lesser Child, in 1943. It begins tragically...
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Gogol’s Artistry
When one great author engages another, as Andrei Bely so brilliantly does in Gogol’s Artistry, the result is inevitably a telling portrait of both...
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Jean–Bertrand Aristide Presents Toussaint L’Ouverture
Toussaint L’Ouverture was the leader of the Haitian Revolution in the late eighteenth century, in which slaves rebelled against their masters and...
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Wu Ming Presents Thomas Müntzer
The Reformation was originally an attack on a corrupt Church, sparked by Martin Luther. Thomas Müntzer, originally Luther’s protégé, became...
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