Bøker i kategorien Biografi
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Michael Strunge – En biografi
Michael Strunge var inte bara åttiotalets mest uppmärksammade unge danske poet, ett lyriskt stjärnskott, utan också ett inbegrepp av allt vad...
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The Lily Pond
The Lily Pond is a memoir that explores searchingly the author's thirty-plus years of living with bipolar disorder. It chronicles unflinchingly...
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My Sax Life: A Memoir
Since defecting from Cuba in 1980—and indeed long before that in his native land— Paquito D'Rivera has received glowing praise time and...
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Satchmo: Mitt liv i New Orleans
Det här är Louis Armstrongs egen öppenhjärtiga berättelse om den första delen av sitt liv, den tuffa tiden i New Orleans fattigkvarter fram...
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Fables of Agression
The novels of Wyndham Lewis have generally been associated with the work of the great modernists - Joyce, Pound, Eliot, Yeats - who were his sometime...
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The Worlds of Lincoln Kirstein
Lincoln Kirstein was a tireless champion of the arts in America. Working behind the scenes to provide artists with money, space, audiences, and, at...
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Never Sang for Hitler
Lotte Lehmann ranks among the most celebrated singers of the twentieth century. She was a favorite of Richard Strauss, and also had a famous...
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Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography
Maria Rosa Antognazza’s pioneering biography provides a unified portrait of this unique thinker and the world from which he came. At the centre of...
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Revolusjon, kjærlighet, diplomati
Den sagnomsuste Aleksandra Kollontaj (1872–1952) var full av paradokser. Hun levde på...
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Den musikalske bøddel
Om en av arkitektene bak Hitlers terrorvelde. Inneholder oppslusninger som aldri har vært tilgjengelig på norsk før!
Reinhard Heydrich...
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Straddling Worlds
Author Steven J. Harper pays tribute to a well-respected teacher with this biography of a distinguished William Smith Mason Professor of History at...
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The Cone Sisters of Baltimore
Over a period of fifty years, sisters Claribel and Etta Cone amassed one of the most acclaimed collections of late-nineteenth and twentieth-century...
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Castro: Mitt liv
I alle år har man forsøkt å overtale den cubanske revolusjonslederen til å fortelle sin historie. Ignacio Ramonet, velkjent intellektuell...
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Making Theatre
While readers of theater history will find this biography invaluable, those more interested in the personal story of a writer's commitment to her...
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Att älska som en porrstjärna
En förtvivlat otäck, ärlig och vansinnigt vacker självbiografi om Jenna Jameson, skriven tillsammans med journalisten och författaren Neil...
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En självbiografi
Den femtonde september 1907 föddes Gunnar Ekelöf – en av nittonhundratalets stora poeter i Sverige, om inte rentav den störste.
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The Young Che: Memories of Che Guevara
An intimate and endearing portrait of the early life of one of the last century’s most important political revolutionaries.
The international...
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Slavoj Zizek Presents Robspierre
Robespierre’s defense of the French Revolution remains one of the most powerful and unnerving justifications for political violence ever written,...
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Slavoj Zizek Presents Trotsky
Soon after the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky led the Red Army against the counter-revolutionary White armies. Written in...
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Slavoj Zizek Presents Mao
These early philosophical writings underpinned the Chinese revolutions and their clarion calls to insurrection remain some of the most stirring of...
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Mannen som förstörde mitt liv
Själv medelålders sitter jag och söker bland gamla minnen för att försöka ge en bild av en man som betytt mer för mig än någon annan. Visst,...
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White line fever: självbiografin
Världens coolaste man talar. Den evige basisten och sångaren i världens snabbaste och bullrigaste rockband - Motörhead - berättar om ett...
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Praised be our Lords, the autobiography
This is the fascinating autobiography of one of France's leading political activists and intellectuals. Regis Debray is one of France's...
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Anna of all the russias
In this definitive biography of the legendary Russian poet, Elaine Feinstein draws on a wealth of newly available material–including memoirs,...
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