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Strindberg i Lund
Det finns många minnen och vittnesbörd från Strindbergs lundatid. Nu har kritikern och litteraturhistorikern Göran Lundstedt samlat ett urval av... Les mer
När Mannonis Freud utkom ansågs den snart av många vara den bästa freudbiografin i det mindre formatet. Den är en enkelt skriven introduktion... Les mer
Mot en tredje väg. En biografi över Rudolf Meidner
I februari 1933 stod en ung man i Berlin och såg riksdagshuset brinna. Månaderna efter det nazistiska maktövertagandet kom den då 19-årige... Les mer
Suetonius: Diuus Claudius
The first-century emperor Claudius did not leave the fledgling Roman Empire as he had found it: his contribution was to turn its developing... Les mer
Alene på scenen. Per Aabel og tekstene hans
Boka presenterer oppleseren og entertaineren Per Aabel og inneholder et utvalg av Aabels favorittekster. Den forteller om Aabels forhold til å lese... Les mer
Hegel: A Biography
One of the founders of modern philosophical thought Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) has gained the reputation of being one of the most... Les mer
Kierkegaard: A Biography
Written by one of the world’s preeminent authorities on Kierkegaard, this biography is the first to reveal the delicate imbrication of... Les mer
The Sovereigns
This memoir is a moving testament to the power of family. The Lucas clan was a close-knit, successful family of rural German Jews--butchers and meat... Les mer
Suetonius: Diuus Claudius
The first-century emperor Claudius did not leave the fledgling Roman Empire as he had found it: his contribution was to turn its developing... Les mer
Cash: The autobiography
  This fascinating autobiography of the country music legend recounts the highs and lows, the struggles and hard-won triumphs of his remarkable... Les mer
The Patience of Ice
Filled with awe at the improbable, incomprehensible trajectory of human experience, Renate Wood ponders history, memory, and family. Beginning with... Les mer
Anton Chekhov: A Life
"Without question the definitive biography of Chekhov, and like to remain so for a very long time to come. . . . [Rayfield] captures a likeness... Les mer
Molière: A Theatrical Life
In this biography, Virginia Scott locates Molière’s life and work in the social, literary and theatrical contexts of the period. She offers a... Les mer
George Eliot – The Last Victorian
This highly praised biography is the first to explore fully the way in which her painful early life and rejection by her brother Isaac in particular,... Les mer
Not the Germans Alone
On the eve of D-Day, Isaac Levendel's mother left her hiding place on a farm in southern France and never returned. After 40 years of silence and... Les mer
John Barrymore, Shakespearean Actor
John Barrymore’s Richard III and Hamlet, first seen in New York during the 1919–20 and 1922–23 seasons, stand as high-water marks of... Les mer
Hobbes: A Biography
Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) is recognized as one of the fathers of modern philosophy and political theory. In his own time he was as famous for his... Les mer
Wayward Threads
Wayward Threads is the story of Robert Goldmann's youth in Reinheim, a small German village; his experience in the early Nazi years in Frankfurt;... Les mer
Life of a Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke
"Lively and detailed." --Michael Hofmann, New York Times Book Review "What Freedman's book does, and more thoroughly than any... Les mer
Born into a middle-class Jewish family in 1932, Lala Weintraub grew up in Lvov, Poland. When the Nazis came, Lala--who had blond hair and blue... Les mer
Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography
One of the most popular novelists of the twentieth century, winner of a Pulitzer and Nobel Prize for Literature and an active social and political... Les mer
John Barrymore, Shakespearean Actor
John Barrymore’s Richard III and Hamlet, first seen in New York during the 1919–20 and 1922–23 seasons, stand as high-water marks of... Les mer
John Fernström, tonsättare i folkhemmets tid
John Fernström (1897--1961) blev en av sin generations mest produktiva tonsättare med bland annat tolv symfonier, flera solokonserter och åtta... Les mer
Shayndl and Salomea
At the age of fifty and faced with severe depression, Salomea Genin began to write about her family's history. From stories both told and untold,... Les mer