Bøker i kategorien Drama
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Forestilling, framføring, forskning Metodologi i anvendt teaterforskning
Det finnes lite publisert kunnskap i Norden om metodologi når det forskes i ulike typer drama-/teaterpraksis. Denne boken presenterer flere...
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Den fjättrade Prometehus
Den fjättrade Prometheus är en av antikens mest lästa och beundrade tragedier. Prometheus är trickstern, rebellen och kulturhjälten som ger...
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Brecht and Method
“Elegant dissection of Brecht’s method, from estrangements to allegory and beyond.”—Modern Drama
The legacy of Bertolt Brecht is much...
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Samtidsdramatikk 2011
Omtale av Samtidsdramatikk 2011
Samtidsdramatikk 2011 inneholder vinnerbidragene til Dramatikkfestivalen 2009 og Dramatikkfestivalen 2011...
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Ibsens kvinnor – tolkade av scenens kvinnor
Vilka är Ibsens kvinnor? Det fanns givetvis kvinnor av betydelse i Ibsens privatliv (hustrun, modern, systern, unga beundrarinnor). Men till...
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Medealand och andra pjäser
MEDEA: Jag kände inte till kärlekens kronologi. Början. Mitten. Slutet. Det obönhörliga. Hans blick som inte längre ser på mig. Jag kan inte...
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Jeg forsvinner
"Jeg forsvinner" viser noen få personer fanget i en virkelighet på randen av katastrofe. De flykter, men kommer ikke unna, flukten bringer bare nye...
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Oslo, 31. august: Filmmanuskript
Anders er tidligere rusmisbruker, endelig clean, og snart ferdig med behandlingen. Han skal bare en kort tur inn til byen for et jobbintervju, men...
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Renaissance Drama 39
Renaissance Drama, an annual and interdisciplinary publication, is devoted to drama and performance as a central feature of Renaissance culture. The...
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Harriet Jacobs - A Play
Throughout her meteoric rise into the upper ranks of young playwrights, Lydia R. Diamond has boldly challenged assumptions about African American...
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Minor Complications: Two Plays
In a world where hilarity and heartbreak are next-door neighbors, minor complications inevitably arise. In this first collection of plays by Brendan...
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Dollhouse: A Play
Nora seems to have it all: a successful husband, three adorable children, and a beautiful home in the tony Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago. But...
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Life and Acting
Arriving in America as a teenage Holocaust refugee, Jack Garfein would soon rise to the top of his field. Life and Acting is the product of more than...
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Learning to Perform: An Introduction
In Learning to Perform Carol Simpson Stern and Bruce Henderson enliven the dialogue between theory and practice for actors and teachers alike....
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Renaissance Drama 36/37
Renaissance Drama, an annual interdisciplinary publication, is devoted to drama and performance as a central feature of Renaissance culture. The...
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Hello Failure
Hello failure was presented in the Prelude Festival in 2007, and produced at PS 122 in March 2008. "The play opens quietly, more or less, on...
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A Streetcar Named Desire
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire is the tale of a catastrophic confrontation between fantasy and...
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Mother Courage and Her Children
One of Brecht's most famous plays and a classic of modern literature/theatre, this Student Edition features a comprehensive introduction,...
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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
A sizzling drama of desire, avarice and deception set in the American Deep South, Tennessee Williams's Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is published...
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DAI (enough) - A Play
Set in a Tel Aviv café in the moments before a suicide bomber enters, Iris Bahr’s 2008 Lucille Lortel Award–winning DAI (enough) courageously...
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