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Antony and Cleopatra
Lively, instructive access to Shakespeare’s rich and complex works. For this updated edition, David Bevington has included in his introductory... Les mer
Fewer Emergencies
Things are definitely looking up - brighter light - more frequent boating - more confident smile - things are improving day by day - who ever... Les mer
Exposure: Two Plays
DENVER: So, Jude comes over every now and then. We get to know him. We go through all the German gay pornography we got. Some tapes we watch twice.... Les mer
Purple Heart and The Infidel: Two Plays
In Purple Heart, Carla, a Vietnam War widow deep in drink and depression, is living with a troubled son and her controlling mother. One day a... Les mer
Trout Stanley
Trout: Lookin’ for somethin’ I lost. Sugar: What – your sock, your pen, your homework assignment (laughing)? Are you cryin’. Trout: Yeah.... Les mer
The Adventures of Ali & Ali and the aXes of Evil
In this elaborate agitprop theatrical collaboration, the internal contradictions and duplicitous double-speak of the "war on terror" are... Les mer
Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout
Based on a deposition signed by fourteen Chiefs of the Thomson River basin on the occasion of a visit to their lands by Canadian Prime Minister Sir... Les mer
400 Kilometres
400 Kilometres is the third play in Drew Hayden Taylor's hilarious and heart-wrenching identity-politics trilogy. Janice Wirth, a... Les mer
The Dishwashers
Haplessly determined to have his own miserable authority vindicated, chief dishwasher Dressler presides over the steam-choked basement of an up-scale... Les mer
The Kleist Variations: Three Plays
In this collection, Eric Bentley presents Concord, a comedy adapted from Kleist's The Broken Jug; The Fall of the Amazons, a tragedy written in... Les mer
The First Quarto of Othello
This is the first modernized and edited version of the 1622 Othello. By taking this earliest published version of Othello as a book in its own right,... Les mer
To skuespill
I de to skuespillene som er samlet i denne utgivelsen, "Skygge av en gutt" og "Mann uten hensikt", befester han sin posisjon som... Les mer
A Tragic Man Despite Himself
Well known through the world for his late 29th and early 20th century plays "Uncle Vanya," "The Three Sisters," "The Sea... Les mer
Three Plays
Famous for her poetry and infamous for her bohemian lifestyle, as well as her association with political radicals, Else Lasker-SchÜler (1869-1945)... Les mer
Tolv gånger Pinter
Kontroversiell och älskad – Harold Pinter, en av 1900-talets största dramatiker, lämnar ingen... Les mer
Teaterstykke 3
Inneheld sju teaterstykke av Jon Fosse: Gitarmannen, Dei døde hundane, Vakkert, Dødsvariasjonar, Jenta i sofaen, Lilla og Suzannah. Frå før finst... Les mer
The Tragedy of King Lear
For this updated critical edition of King Lear, Professor Halio has added a new introductory section on recent stage, film, and critical... Les mer
King Henry V
For this updated edition of Shakespeare’s most celebrated war play, Professor Gurr has added a new section to his introduction which considers... Les mer
Antony and Cleopatra
Lively, instructive access to Shakespeare’s rich and complex works. For this updated edition, David Bevington has included in his introductory... Les mer
Between 1954 and 1975, Newfoundland's outport communities were encouraged to abandon themselves in exchange for financial aid and the promise of... Les mer
Crowtet 2
These two plays are the second of Wellman’s award-winning quartet of plays involving, in one way or another, characters who have taken up with or... Les mer
The Oresteia
One of the founding documents of Western culture and the only surviving ancient Greek trilogy, the Oresteia of Aeschylus is one of the great... Les mer
Ein ettermiddag
"Ein ettermiddag er", som Rønnaug Kleivas høyrespel "Kvinner med fingermanualar", ei skarptskodande skildring av det moderne... Les mer
The Pochsy Plays
Beckett meets Betty Boop in this trilogy of monologues by Canadian cult heroine Pochsy, a nasty, vapid, utterly charming vixen. In Pochsy's Lips,... Les mer