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Professor Pompa’s study of Vico has done a great deal to stimulate and inform the growing interest in the English-speaking world in this remarkable... Les mer
Propositional Attitudes
This book makes a stimulating contribution to the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. It begins with a spirited defence of the view that... Les mer
This volume deals with Epistemology. The period from the sixth century BC to the second and third centuries AD was one of the most fertile for the... Les mer
A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages
Jewish medieval philosophy has formed the subject of much research over the past thirty years since the appearance of Gutmann’s Philosophies of... Les mer
The Neglect of Experiment
What role have experiments played, and should they play, in physics? How does one come to believe rationally in experimental results? The Neglect of... Les mer
The Taming of Chance
In this important new study Ian Hacking continues the enquiry into the origins and development of certain characteristic modes of contemporary... Les mer
A Theory of Property
This book represents a major new statement on the issue of property rights. It argues for the justification of some rights of private property while... Les mer
This major study of Hegel’s intellectual development up to the writing of The Phenomonology of Spirit argues that his work is best understood in... Les mer
The Judgment of Sense
With the rise of naturalism in the art of the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance there developed an extensive and diverse literature about art... Les mer
The State and Justice
This book offers a new political theory combining elements from the Marxist and liberal traditions. It presents the reader with a disturbing view of... Les mer
Question of God in Heidegger
Several philosophers have developed theological perspectives out of Heidegger's ontology. Yet the question of God in Heidegger's thought... Les mer
A History of Greek Philosophy
All volumes of Professor Guthrie’s great history of Greek philosophy have won their due acclaim. The most striking merits of Guthrie’s work are... Les mer
On Action
This book deals with foundational issues in the theory of the nature of action, the intentionality of action, the compatibility of freedom of action... Les mer
The Toils of Scepticism
In the works of Sextus Empiricus, scepticism is presented in its most elaborate and challenging form. This book investigates - both from an... Les mer
The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
This is one of the most important books on quantum mechanics to have appeared in recent years. It offers a dramatically new interpretation that... Les mer
The Rhetoric of Berkeley’s Philosophy
The works of George Berkeley (1685–1753) have been the object of much philosophical analysis; but philosophers are writers as well as thinkers, and... Les mer
Constructions of Reason
Two centuries after they were published, Kant’s ethical writings are as much admired and imitated as they have ever been, yet serious and... Les mer
Natural Agency
From a moral point of view we think of ourselves as capable of responsible actions. From a scientific point of view we think of ourselves as animals... Les mer
The Chain of Change
The Chain of Change is a philosophical commentary devoted to Aristotle’s Physics VII, in which Aristotle argues for the existence of a first,... Les mer
Human Nature and Historical Knowledge
This book presents a study of the nature and conditions of historical knowledge, conducted through a study of the relevant theories of Hume, Hegel... Les mer
Experiment, Right or Wrong
In Experiment, Right or Wrong, Allan Franklin continues his investigation of the history and philosophy of experiment presented in his previous book,... Les mer
The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey
F. P. Ramsey was a remarkably creative and subtle philosopher who in the briefest of academic careers (he died tragically in 1930 aged 26) made... Les mer
The Mundane Matter of the Mental Language
Christopher Maloney offers an explanation of the fundamental nature of thought. He posits the idea that thinking involves the processing of mental... Les mer
Rationality and Dynamic Choice
This is a major contribution to the theory of rational choice which will be of particular interest to philosophers and economists. The author sets... Les mer