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Cicero: Select Letters
Professor Shackleton Bailey is renowned for his major scholarly editions of Cicero’s letters already published by Cambridge University Press. This... Les mer
Tragic Wisdom and Beyond
This volume presents two works by Gabriel Marcel. The first, Tragic Wisdom and Beyond, a collection of his later writings, shows the impact of his... Les mer
Philosophical Papers
Imre Lakatos’ philosophical and scientific papers are published here in two volumes. Volume I brings together his very influential but scattered... Les mer
Modal Logic: An Introduction
A textbook on modal logic, intended for readers already acquainted with the elements of formal logic, containing nearly 500 exercises. Brian F.... Les mer
The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes
Imre Lakatos’ philosophical and scientific papers are published here in two volumes. Volume I brings together his very influential but scattered... Les mer
The Structures of the Life World V. 1
The Structures of the Life-World is the final focus of twenty-seven years of Alfred Schutz's labor, encompassing the fruits of his work between... Les mer
An Essay on Anaxagoras
In Aristotle’s view, Anaxagoras stood out from the other Presocratics as a sober man among the incoherent. This book explores the fragmentary... Les mer
Makt och opposition
Rossana Rossanda, “Makt och opposition”; Leonid Plustj, “Gå framåt tillsammans eller gå under tillsammans”; Charles Bettelheim,... Les mer
Vägen till makt
Karl Kautsky (1854–1938) var den tyska och den internationella socialdemokratins dominerande ideolog efter Engels död 1895 och fram till... Les mer
Marxism och dialektik
Är Marx’ och Engels’ syn på dialektiken oförenlig med den historiska materialismens anspråk på att vara en vetenskaplig teori? Ja, hävdar... Les mer
Det konkretas dialektik
Den tjeckiske filosofen Karel Kosíks bok Det konkretas dialektik (1963) var ett viktigt bidrag till den intellektuella utveckling som föregick... Les mer
Communication and the Evolution of Society
Some thirty years ago J rgen Habermas introduced the idea of analyzing contemporary society from a historical and practical standpoint while... Les mer
Consciousness and the Acquisition of Language
The tools, concepts, and vocabulary of phenomenology are used in this book to explore language in a multitude of... Les mer
Hegel and Modern Society
Introduction to Hegel’s thought for the student and general reader, emphasizing in particular his social and political thought and his continuing... Les mer
Speech and Phenomena
In Speech and Phenomena, Jacques Derrida situates the philosophy of language in relation to logic and rhetoric, which have often been seen as... Les mer
Speaking - (La Parole)
Speaking is an introduction to the philosophy of language from an existential and phenomenological point of view. Gusdorf's central concern is to... Les mer
The Ecology of Human Development
To understand the way children develop, Bronfenbrenner believes that it is necessary to observe their behavior in natural settings, while they are... Les mer
Genesis and Structure of Hegel
Jean Hyppolite produced the first French translation of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. His major works--the translation, his commentary, and... Les mer
Phenomenology and Theory of Science
Essays on the relationship between perceptual experience and scientific thought-an introduction to the phenomenology of... Les mer
Speech and Phenomena
In Speech and Phenomena, Jacques Derrida situates the philosophy of language in relation to logic and rhetoric, which have often been seen as... Les mer
A History of Greek Philosophy
All volumes of Professor Guthrie’s great history of Greek philosophy have won their due acclaim. The most striking merits of Guthrie’s work are... Les mer
Philosophical Papers
Professor Hilary Putnam has been one of the most influential and sharply original of recent American philosophers in a whole range of fields. His... Les mer
A History of Greek Philosophy
All volumes of Professor Guthrie’s great history of Greek philosophy have won their due acclaim. The most striking merits of Guthrie’s work are... Les mer
Philosophical Papers
Professor Hilary Putnam has been one of the most influential and sharply original of recent American philosophers in a whole range of fields. His... Les mer