Bøker i kategorien Filosofi

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The Soul at Work
We can reach every point in the world but, more importantly, we can be reached from any point in the world. Privacy and its possibilities are... Les mer
The Systematic Philosophy of John Anderson
This book outlines the realist and pluralist philosophy of John Anderson, Australia’s most original thinker, whose articles and teaching at Sydney... Les mer
Frygt og bæven
Frygt og bæven (1843) henter sin titel fra et af Paulus´ breve, sin hovedperson fra 1. Mosebog og sin etisk-humane konflikt fra Søren kierkegaard... Les mer
The German Issue
The German Issue (1982) was originally conceived as a follow-up to Semiotext(e)'s Autonomia/Italy issue, published two years earlier. Although... Les mer
Perception: A representative theory
What is the nature of, and what is the relationship between, external objects and our visual perceptual experience of them? In this book, Frank... Les mer
Philosophical Investigation
Incorporating significant editorial changes from earlier editions, the fourth edition of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations is... Les mer
An"introduction to the nonfascist life" (Michel Foucault, from the Preface) When it first appeared in France, "Anti-Oedipus"... Les mer
Who Owns You?
Who Owns You? is a comprehensive exploration of the numerous philosophical and legal problems of gene patenting. Provides the first comprehensive... Les mer
Orientalism and Islam
Through an historical analysis of the theme of Oriental despotism, Michael Curtis reveals the complex positive and negative interaction between... Les mer
The Sublime Object Of Ideology
"Zizek leaves no social or cultural phenomenon untheorized, and is master of the counterintuitive observation."--"The New Yorker"... Les mer
Tha Ticklish Subject
"Zizek leaves no social or cultural phenomenon untheorized, and is master of the counterintuitive observation."--"The New Yorker"... Les mer
Så talade Zarathustra
En bok för alla och ingen? Nietzsches Zarathustra är i dag och för framtiden ett verk för den människa som behöver den, som är öppen för... Les mer
Afhandling om metoden
Hvor mange gange kan man sige 'cogito, ergo sum' (jeg tænker, altså er jeg) og fortsat blive regnet for en af verdens største tænkere? Den... Les mer
Philosophy in the Present
Two controversial thinkers discuss a timeless but nonetheless urgent question: should philosophy interfere in the world? Nothing less than philosophy... Les mer
A paradox can be defined as an unacceptable conclusion derived by apparently acceptable reasoning from apparently acceptable premises. Many paradoxes... Les mer
Rethinking the Western Understanding of the Self
Ulrich Steinvorth offers a fresh analysis and critique of rationality as a defining element in Western thinking. Steinvorth argues that Descartes’... Les mer
Addresses to the German Nation
This is the first translation of Fichte’s addresses to the German nation for almost 100 years. The series of 14 speeches, delivered whilst Berlin... Les mer
Yesterday, the police interrogated me at length about the journal and other Situationist organizations. It was only a beginning. This is, I think,... Les mer
Endelig foreligger Guy Debords klassiker Skuespillsamfunnet fra 1967 på norsk. Skuespillsamfunnet skildrer et samfunn der vareformen kolonialiserer... Les mer
Verden som vilje og forestilling
«Verden er min forestilling.» Med denne påstanden innleder Schopenhauer sitt hovedverk fra 1818. Alt som kan erkjennes, er objekt for et subjekt.... Les mer
The Unity of Plato’s Gorgias
Stauffer demonstrates the complex unity of Plato’s Gorgias through a careful analysis of the dialogue’s three main sections. This includes... Les mer
Reason and Prediction
An original study of the philosophical problems associated with inductive reasoning. Like most of the main questions in epistemology, the classical... Les mer
Analytical Philosophy of Knowledge
A central theme of this book is that the main problems of philosophy and certainly the main traditional problems in the theory of knowledge, concern... Les mer
Apor, cyborger och kvinnor
Föreställningen att vi inte upptäcker naturen utan konstruerar den, att sanningen inte är något vi finner utan något vi skapar, har blivit en... Les mer