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Döden är ett moln
Jag skulle avsky om någon läste det jag skrivit för att han blivit tillsagd vad han ska tycka om det. Jag vill verkligen drabba folk, jag vill få...
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An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
No book has done more to instruct, enlighten, and inform conservatives about economics than Adam Smith's undisputed...
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Den osannolika gryningen
Konstantinos Kavafis, den mest kände inom modern grekisk poesi, levde mellan 1863 och 1933 i Alexandria. Han förde ett tillbakadraget liv som...
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The Rebirth of the Older Child
Brita Bergland's poems fuse a sophisticated, Wittgensteinian sense of language with a predilection for the 'rural voice,' the 'whacky...
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Not A Balancing Act
This remarkably intelligent and original first collection of poems is Not A Balancing Act because language can only supply an imaginary point, so...
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Varieties of Religious Experience
Varieties of Religious Experience explores the indeterminate "margin" of residual memories and impulses as conceived by William James, to...
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The Garment in Which No One Had Slept
An extraordinary first collection. With precision and exquisite craftsmanship, the poems chart the movement of a mind toward the point where thinking...
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Winner of the 1993 Terrence Des Pres Prize for Poetry
This is the debut collection of Timothy Russell--born in Ohio, raised in West Virginia, and...
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The Nonconformist’s Memorial
The Nonconformist's Memorial is a gathering of four long sequences that underscores Susan Howe's reputation as one of the leading experimentalists...
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Underjordisk alfabet / An Alphabet Underground
Michael Palmer: Underjordisk alfabet / An Alphabet Underground [Digte Engelsk/Dansk]
Oversat af Poul Borum
Grafiske arbejder af Jens Birkemose
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In Praise of the Impure
Alan Shapiro is not only a much-lauded poet but also one of America's most intelligent and clearheaded thinkers about poetry. In Praise of the...
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Spott ur en änglamun
Helena Erikssons debuterte med diktsamling en byggnad åt mig. Spott ur en änglamun er hennes andre...
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Composition in Retrospect
Written in his characteristic “mesostics” (linked lines of prose poetry), Composition in Retrospect is a statement of methodology in which John...
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Bo Celin debuterade 1988 med essän Dante och Florens i förlagets Enhörningserie. Novemberfrukt är hans första...
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Pilar mot månen
De pilar som Lasse Söderberg i den här diktsamlingen avlossar mot månen har alla samma startpunkt: en by på den andalusiska kusten och staden...
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Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey is a perfectly aimed literary parody that is also a withering satire of the commercial aspects of marriage among the English gentry...
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Sakte dans ut av brennende hus
I Espen Stuelands dikt vil en finne spor og skjulte referanser til europeisk eksperimentell diktning, og ting som vitner om bred orientering i...
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Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame
Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame is poetry full of gambling, drinking and women. Charles Bukowski writes realistically about the seedy underbelly...
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You Get So Alone at Times
Charles Bukowski examines cats and his childhood in You Get So Alone at Times, a book of poetry that reveals his tender side. He delves into his...
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