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Pauses in the Procession
A sequence of prose poems by one of the greatest, and least translated, of the Symbolist writers. Preceded by an essay by Remy de Gourmont. The... Les mer
What Matters Most is How Well You
This second posthumous collection from Charles Bukowski takes readers deep into the raw, wild vein of writing that extends from the early 70s to the... Les mer
Fisher Boy m.fl.
Fisher Boy m.fl. (Korrex Press, 2017) är ett ikonografiskt arbete med utgångspunkt i 43 objekt och platser, som på ett eller annat sätt är eller... Les mer
Blissful Times
A creature, a possible he actually, in perhaps to whereas, it hardly / it indeed, be ‘fellow.’ Be asking to appear at, asking to think of,... Les mer
Vergeuden, den Tag
In seinen neuen Gedichten zeigt sich Tom Schulz als Nachfahre jener Abenteurer, die der modernen Dichtung den Weg bereiteten: der mittelalterlichen... Les mer
spiel · ur · meere
Wenn Sprache permanenter Entstehungsprozess von Ich und Welt als Kondensat der Wahrnehmung ist, was wäre dann die Suche nach Urwelt und Ursinn? Was... Les mer
Pencil of Rays and Spiked Mace
Produced in conjunction with the author’s appearance at Harbourfront’s 2004 International Festival of Authors in Toronto as part of their... Les mer
The Odyssey
An epic poem by the Greek poet Homer, which is the tale of Odysseus' wanderings, a story of heroic adventure and romantic... Les mer
The Loop
Seventeen years after the publication of the first volume of Jacques Roubaud's epic and moving The Great Fire of London, Dalkey Archive Press is... Les mer
zum fernbleiben der umarmung
Dass Assoziation und Gedankenschärfe gleichberechtige Funktionen von poetischer Präzision sein können, führt uns Monika Rinck in »zum... Les mer
The Haikube is a free-moving three-dimensional cube handmade from ebony. Each three-inch face is comprised of nine unit cubes. On the exterior face... Les mer
ICON TACT Poems 1984 - 2001
All the sections of ICON TACT were conceived as book-length single texts or serial poems; some of them were published as such in limited editions... Les mer
The Hunt
The Hunt is a collection of postcards that tell the fragmented story of a nameless family’s search for the murderer of their mother. It is a... Les mer
The Etcetera Barbecue
After the ‘after the end’, after the dreadful pulps, after all manner of casual abortion, cosy mutilation, pointless sacrifice and staggering... Les mer
The Sands of Dream
The Sands of Dream is the first English translation of Thérèse Renaud’s earliest book, considered by some to be the first truly Surrealist... Les mer
Ten Thousand Lives
Born in 1933 in a small rural village in Korea's North Cholla Province, Ko Un grew up in a Japanese-controlled land that was soon to experience the... Les mer
Earthly and Heavenly Journey of Simone Martini
Recognized as one of the great living poets of Italy, and several times a candidate for the Nobel Prize, Luzi wrote this work in 1994, when he was... Les mer
Gifts: The Martyrology Book(s) 7 &
‘All of Nichol’s work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect... Les mer
Martyrology Book 5
‘All of Nichol’s work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect... Les mer
Martyrology Books 3 & 4
‘All of Nichol’s work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect... Les mer
The Collected Poems
Beskrivelse: As a young man, Proust wrote both poetry and prose. Even after he embarked on his masterful "In Search of Lost Time" at... Les mer
The Iliad Book XXII: The Death of Hector
And Achilles swift-footed he spoke filled with anger: ‘You’ve screwed me, Apollo, you biggest headfucker of all the gods, you turned me... Les mer
Væggene har ører
’Væggene har ører’ er en digt og kartonklip bog. En bog hvor billede og digt blandes. Til "Væggene har ører" har Nørregaard... Les mer
Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset
"Det desperata känsloläget påminner om den lysande fjolårsromanen 'Yarden' som med poetisk realism beskrev det självupplevda... Les mer