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Ansikte mot ansikte
Ansikte mot ansikte börjar hos den tyske 1600-talsmystikern Jakob Böhme och fortsätter genom Lidners och Swedenborgs 1700-tal för att sluta med... Les mer
La belle Hortense
Jacques Roubaud, born in 1932, has been a professor of mathematics at the University of Paris X Nanterre and is one of the most accomplished members... Les mer
The human survivors of the "nature cruise of the century", are quietly evolving into sleek, furry creatures with flippers and small brains. All other... Les mer
99: The New Meaning
5 texts that use collage as an instrument to probe the nature of fiction, narrative continuity, structure, tone, language, even the concept of... Les mer
Walking Through Clear Water In a Pool Painted Black
Cookie trips through her forty-year odyssey on this planet--from LSD to shopping at the A&P, from birthing Max to shooting Pink Flamingos. The echoes... Les mer
69 Ways to Play the Blues
The phone refuses to ring. I sit here on 82nd Street; no, on 83rd; no, on 81st; I forget where I am. The phone refuses to ring, to tear me out of... Les mer
Candy From Strangers
Witty, wonderful and disturbing all at the same time, Candy from Strangers, Diana Hartog's second book, sparkles with the same unforgettable images... Les mer
If You’re A Girl
Elizabeth LeComte: Alright, I want to know something and I want the straight dope. Were you ever in the sack with this guy? Ann Rower: With... Les mer
The Fire Next Time
Since it was first published, this famous study of the Black Problem in America has become a classic. Powerful, haunting and prophetic, it sounds a... Les mer
Three Lives
First published in 1909, Three Lives marks the beginning of an era of bold experimentation with literary form and language that has continued... Les mer
”En realistisk resa till det paranormala” har den kallats, Björns andra roman, full av scenväxlingar och identitetsförskjutningar i svensk... Les mer
"Le récit est la description d'un tel conflit entre la vie et le rêve qu'il semble une préface passionnément mais volontairement écrite au... Les mer
Den danske døgenigt William bliver i 1992 gennem en konkurrence udskrevet af Oxford-universitetet kåret som den nye Shelley - til alles... Les mer
Pasjaens elskerinne
Ivo Andric (1892-1975) fikk i 1961 Nobelprisen i litteratur, og regnes som den internasjonalt mest anerkjente jugoslaviske forfatter. I det... Les mer
Apuleius: Cupid and Psyche
Apuleius’ story of Cupid and Psyche, the relationship of the human Soul with divine Love, is one of the great allegories of world literature. It... Les mer
Andar i den ekelundska sfären
Vilhelm Ekelunds författarskap utgörs till stor del av en ensam läsares och tänkares ständigt utvidgade och fördjupade kommentarer till... Les mer
Ur dagböckerna
K.J. (1875–1948) är en av de stora personligheterna i svensk litteraturkritik och essäistik, en av de få som förmått vända kommenterandet av... Les mer
The Stranger
Through the story of an ordinary man unwittingly drawn into a senseless murder on an Algerian beach, Camus explored what he termed "the... Les mer
Vestiaire de l’enfance
«Quand je l'ai aperçue, assise près de la grille en fer ouvragé qui sépare le café de la salle de billard, je n'ai pas tout de suite... Les mer
I hjärtat av hjärtat av landet
Gass, en av USAs mest ansedda författare, har som sitt mål att raffinera prosakonsten. Denna kortroman nagelfar en inskränkt småstad i Indiana.... Les mer
en som ljög
Tät och snabbrörlig debutroman av ung malmöförfattare. En egen variant av romanformen – seriös popkonst?– som känns alldeles... Les mer
Going to the Mountain
Dallas Wiebe has spent all his life in the Midwest. Born in Newton, KS, he now lives in Cincinnati. "Wiebe has committed the ultimate... Les mer
Troubled by His Complexion
"It almost seems she not so much composes her stories, but like a spirit medium, discovers them from another place. It's kind of shadowy and... Les mer
Free Rein
A focus on language fuses with great rushes of energy, musical, sensual, a feeling of life connecting to more life. Everything is movement in Free... Les mer