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Grammatical Voice
Categories of the verb in natural languages include tense, aspect, modality (mood) and voice. Among these, voice, in its rich and diverse... Les mer
The Languages of Japan
This book is a detailed survey of the two main indigenous languages of Japan, Japanese and Ainu. No genetic relationship has been established between... Les mer
Relevance Relations in Discourse
This book uses Sperber and Wilson’s relevance theory to show that connectivity in discourse is a pragmatic rather than a semantic matter: it... Les mer
The Acquisition of Two Languages from Birth
This book deals with the question of how children exposed to two languages simultaneously from birth learn to speak those two languages. After a... Les mer
Vox Latina
This is a reissue in paperback of the second edition of Professor Allen’s highly successful book on the pronunciation of Latin in Rome in the... Les mer
Predication Theory
In this study Donna Jo Napoli takes a common-sense approach to the notions of argument and predicate. Discussions of predication within Government... Les mer
Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking
First published in 1974, this collection of classic case studies in the ethnography of speaking had a formative influence on the field. No other... Les mer
Pidgins and Creoles
This second volume of John Holm’s Pidgins and Creoles provides an overview of the socio-historical development of each of some one hundred known... Les mer
This general introduction to the study of the Chinese language traces its history from its beginings in the second millennium BC to the present day... Les mer
Pidgins and Creoles
This first volume of Holm’s major survey of pidgins and creoles provides a readable introduction to a field of study that has become established... Les mer
Transformational Grammar
Andrew Radford’s new textbook is principally for students with little or no background in syntax who need a lively and up-to-date introduction to... Les mer
Form and Meaning in Word Formation
This study of reduplication in Afrikaans provides a unified and principled analysis of an unusual and highly complex word formation process, shedding... Les mer
The Acquisition of Aspect and Modality
Ayhan Aksu-Koç’s empirical research on Turkish children’s acquisition of the past tense forms the basis for this original and important... Les mer
Vox Graeca
This is a new and enlarged edition of Professor Allen’s highly successful book on the pronunciation of Attic Greek in classical times. In this... Les mer
The Teaching of English
For the first time textbooks and other educational writings published in England and America in the three centuries before the ‘modern’ phase of... Les mer
Reading Latin: Text
Reading Latin is a Latin course designed to help mature beginners read Latin fluently and intelligently, primarily in the context of classical... Les mer
Reading Latin
Reading Latin is a Latin course designed to help mature beginners read Latin fluently and intelligently, primarily in the context of classical... Les mer
The Papuan Languages of New Guinea
This introduction to the descriptive and historical linguistics of the Papuan languages of New Guinea provide an accessible account of one of the... Les mer
Introduction to the Grammar of English
This textbook provides a thorough and precise account of all the major areas of English grammar. For practical reasons the author concentrates on... Les mer
Medieval and Modern Greek
To speakers of modern Greek the Homeric poems of the 7th century BC are not written in a foreign language. The Greek language has enjoyed a... Les mer
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic
The Elementary Modern Standard Arabic Course (EMSA) is the premier introduction, for the English-speaking student, to the active written language of... Les mer
Elementary Modern Standard Arabic
The Elementary Modern Standard Arabic Course (EMSA) is the premier introduction, for the English-speaking student, to the active written language of... Les mer
  Beskrivelse: Gunnar Ekelöfs samlade upprorskonst, nonsens och fula stycken. Ungefär hälften är tidigare opublicerade dikter ur... Les mer