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A Functional Approach to Child Language
When A Functional Approach to Child Language first appeared in hardback in 1979, it was quickly recognized as a research report of the first rank and... Les mer
Reading Greek: Greek Vocabulary
The JACT Reading Greek Course has been written for beginners in the upper school, at university and in adult education. Its aim is to enable students... Les mer
Historical Linguistics
Historical Linguistics is concerned with the process of language change through time. It investigates how and why the language of individuals, a... Les mer
Linguistic Evolution
Professor Samuels presents a comprehensive explanation of the reasons for linguistic change, applying his theory in particular to the history of... Les mer
Introduktion till semantiken
Huvudrubriker: Språkvetenskap Logik Den semantiska filosofin Allmän semantik Kommunikationsprocessens filosofiska aspekt tecknet -- analys och... Les mer
A Grammar of the Arabic Language
Dr Wright’s translation of Caspari’s Arabic Grammar first appeared in 1859. Since that time it has been thoroughly revised and enlarged, and has... Les mer
An Introduction to Modern Literary Arabic
The lessons are clear, in non-technical language, and have generous examples, with plenty of exercises for translation from Arabic to English and... Les mer
Bogen indeholder bidrag af Ann Lumbye Sørensen, Kaj Nyborg, Eva Koch, Jeanette Schou, Michael Mørk, Grete Dalum-Tilds, Nanna Gro Henningsen, Steen... Les mer
Ser/estar og udsigelsen
En analyse af modalisering ved kopulaverber som bidrag til en diskursiv syntaks. Doktordisputats om brugen af de spanske verber SER og ESTAR af... Les mer