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The Syntax of French
French is a syntactically interesting language, with aspects of its word order and clause structure triggering a variety of important developments in...
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Apposition in Contemporary English
Apposition in Contemporary English is a full-length treatment of apposition. It provides detailed discussion of its linguistic characteristics and of...
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Reading Greek
First published in 1978, Reading Greek has become a best-selling one-year introductory course in ancient Greek for students and adults. It combines...
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Postcolonial English
The global spread of English has resulted in the emergence of a diverse range of postcolonial varieties around the world. Postcolonial English...
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Syntactic Relations
Accounts of syntax are usually based on two assumptions: firstly, that a sentence comprises a hierarchy of phrases, forming a ‘tree’ structure;...
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The Sounds of Chinese
This accessible textbook provides a clear introduction to the sounds of Standard Chinese, designed for English-speaking students with no prior...
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The Syntax and Pragmatics of Anaphora
This book develops a pragmatic theory of anaphora within the neo-Gricean framework of conversational implicature. Chomsky claims that anaphora...
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Australian Languages
Aboriginal people have been in Australia for at least 40,000 years, speaking about 250 languages. Through examination of published and unpublished...
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Indo-European Linguistics
The Indo-European language family consists of many of the modern and ancient languages of Europe, India and Central Asia, including Latin, Greek,...
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Maori: A Linguistic Introduction
Mäori, the indigenous language of New Zealand, is an endangered, minority language, with an important role in the culture and identity of the Mäori...
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The Syntax of French
French is a syntactically interesting language, with aspects of its word order and clause structure triggering a variety of important developments in...
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Person Reference in Interaction
How do we refer to people in everyday conversation? No matter the language or culture, we must choose from a range of options: full name (\'Robert...
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Syntactic Relations
Accounts of syntax are usually based on two assumptions: firstly, that a sentence comprises a hierarchy of phrases, forming a ‘tree’ structure;...
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A Linguistic Geography of Africa
More than forty years ago it was demonstrated that the African continent can be divided into four distinct language families. Research on African...
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Irish English
English has been spoken in Ireland for over 800 years, making Irish English the oldest variety of the language outside Britain. This book traces the...
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Postcolonial English
The global spread of English has resulted in the emergence of a diverse range of postcolonial varieties around the world. Postcolonial English...
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The English Noun Phrase
English has an interesting variety of noun phrases, which differ greatly in structure. Examples are \'binominal\' (two-noun) phrases (\'a beast of a...
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The Syntax of Welsh
Welsh, like the other Celtic languages, is best-known amongst linguists for its verb-initial word order and its use of initial consonant mutations....
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The Syntax of Icelandic
Icelandic is a syntactically interesting language, with aspects of its word order, clause structure, agreement patterns and case system arousing much...
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The Regional Diversification of Latin 200 BC
Classical Latin appears to be without regional dialects, yet Latin evolved in little more than a millennium into a variety of different languages...
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Högkultur som subkultur? Inledande anföranden vid ett seminarium i Börssalen den 29 mars 2006
29 mars 2006 anordnade Kungl. Akademien för de fria konsterna, Kungl. Musikaliska Akademien och Svenska Akademien ett seminarium under rubriken...
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A Student Grammar of Spanish
A Student Grammar of Spanish is a concise introduction to Spanish grammar, designed for English-speaking undergraduates. Assuming no prior knowledge...
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Educating English Language Learners
The book provides the first and only review of scientific research on the learning outcomes of students with limited or no proficiency in English in...
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Form and Meaning in Word Formation
This study of reduplication in Afrikaans provides a unified and principled analysis of an unusual and highly complex word formation process, shedding...
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