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Kun lagervarer
This groundbreaking new study takes a novel approach to reduplication, a phenomenon whereby languages use repetition to create new words. Sharon... Les mer
A Student Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic
This accessible grammar provides a concise and user-friendly guide to the structure of Modern Standard Arabic. Using familiar terminology and keeping... Les mer
The Teaching of English
For the first time textbooks and other educational writings published in England and America in the three centuries before the ‘modern’ phase of... Les mer
Portuguese: A Linguistic Introduction
This accessible new book provides a comprehensive introduction to the linguistic structure of Portuguese. Clearly organised, it covers the central... Les mer
A Reference Grammar of Thai
A Reference Grammar of Thai provides a clear, detailed and comprehensive guide to Thai grammar, designed for intermediate to advanced learners.... Les mer
Om Den Norske Skrivemåten
Omtale av Om den norske skrivemåten Mine lesere lider av to alvorlige feil. De to feilene er: De har god greie på samfunnsvitenskapene og stor... Les mer
Camino al español Audio CD Set
This intensive course is expressly designed to lead the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish. The course gives balanced attention... Les mer
Camino al español
This intensive course is expressly designed to lead the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish. The course gives balanced attention... Les mer
Relevance and Linguistic Meaning
The importance of discourse markers (words like so, however, and well) lies in the theoretical questions they raise about the nature of discourse and... Les mer
A Tamil Prose Reader
Among the languages now spoken in India, Tamil has the longest continuous literary history, some of the oldest records going back two thousand years... Les mer
An Introduction to Modern Japanese
This is the second book in an extensive one-year introductory course in Japanese, also suitable for those who wish to work at a slower pace. Students... Les mer
An Introduction to Modern Japanese
This is the first book in a two-volume intensive one-year introductory course in Japanese, also suitable for those who wish to work at a slower pace.... Les mer
Camino al español
This intensive course is expressly designed to lead the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish. The course gives balanced attention... Les mer
The Acquisition of Complex Sentences
This book presents the first comprehensive study of how children acquire complex sentences. Drawing on observational data from English-speaking... Les mer
Morphology and Lexical Semantics
Morphology and Lexical Semantics explores the meanings of morphemes and how they combine to form the meanings of complex words, including derived... Les mer
The Grammar of Modern Hebrew
A reference book on Modern Hebrew morphology and syntax, this describes the language as it is really spoken and written in Israel today. The author... Les mer
The Syntax of Chichewa
This comprehensive book provides a detailed description of the major syntactic structures of Chichewa. Assuming no prior knowledge of current theory,... Les mer
A Reference Grammar of Russian
A Reference Grammar of Russian describes and systematizes all aspects of the grammar of Russian: the patterns of orthography, sounds, inflection,... Les mer
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World’s Ancient Languages
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World’s Ancient Languages is the first comprehensive reference work treating all of the languages of antiquity.... Les mer
A Concise Dictionary of New Testament Greek
This Dictionary provides students, pastors, and other readers of the Bible with a convenient and useful source of word meanings and English glosses... Les mer
Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar
This authoritative textbook provides an overview and analysis of current second language acquisition research conducted within the generative... Les mer
Phonology and Language Use
A research perspective that takes language use into account opens up new views of old issues and provides an understanding of issues that linguists... Les mer
Lexical Categories
For decades, generative linguistics has said little about the differences between verbs, nouns, and adjectives. This book seeks to fill this... Les mer
Using Spanish Vocabulary
This book provides a comprehensive and structured vocabulary for all levels of undergraduate Spanish courses. It offers a broad coverage of the... Les mer