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A Concise Dictionary of New Testament Greek
This Dictionary provides students, pastors, and other readers of the Bible with a convenient and useful source of word meanings and English glosses... Les mer
Syntactic Change
The phenomenon of grammaticalization - the historical process whereby new grammatical material is created - has attracted a great deal of attention... Les mer
Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar
This authoritative textbook provides an overview and analysis of current second language acquisition research conducted within the generative... Les mer
Modes of Discourse
In studying discourse, the problem for the linguist is to find a fruitful level of analysis. Carlota Smith offers a new approach with this study of... Les mer
Alliteration and Sound Change in Early English
This study uses evidence from early English verse to reconstruct the course of some central phonological changes in the history of the language. It... Les mer
The Dravidian Languages
The Dravidian languages are spoken by over 200 million people in South Asia and in Diaspora communities around the world, and constitute the... Les mer
Bilingualism and the Latin Language
Since the 1980s, bilingualism has become one of the main themes of sociolinguistics - but there are as yet few large-scale treatments of the subject... Les mer
A Greek Anthology
This book offers an ideal first reader in ancient Greek. It presents a selection of extracts from a comprehensive range of Greek authors, from Homer... Les mer
English Corpus Linguistics
English Corpus Linguistics is a step-by-step guide to creating and analyzing linguistic corpora. It begins with a discussion of the role that corpus... Les mer
Developing Professional-Level Language Proficiency
This comprehensive book examines approaches to teaching students who aim to make the leap from advanced or superior proficiency in a foreign language... Les mer
The Syntax of Spanish
Clear and well-organised, this textbook is an introduction to Spanish syntax, which assumes no prior knowledge of current theory. Beginning with a... Les mer
A History of the Spanish Language
This is a thoroughly revised, updated and expanded edition of Ralph Penny’s authoritative textbook, first published in 1991, which provides a clear... Les mer
The Syntax of Hungarian
Clearly written and comprehensive in scope, this is an essential guide to syntax in the Hungarian language. It describes the key grammatical features... Les mer
Relevance and Linguistic Meaning
The importance of discourse markers (words like so, however, and well) lies in the theoretical questions they raise about the nature of discourse and... Les mer
English Corpus Linguistics
English Corpus Linguistics is a step-by-step guide to creating and analyzing linguistic corpora. It begins with a discussion of the role that corpus... Les mer
Developing Professional-Level Language Proficiency
This comprehensive book examines approaches to teaching students who aim to make the leap from advanced or superior proficiency in a foreign language... Les mer
A History of the Spanish Language
This is a thoroughly revised, updated and expanded edition of Ralph Penny’s authoritative textbook, first published in 1991, which provides a clear... Les mer
The Syntax of Spanish
Clear and well-organised, this textbook is an introduction to Spanish syntax, which assumes no prior knowledge of current theory. Beginning with a... Les mer
Romani: A Linguistic Introduction
Romani is a language of Indo-Aryan origin which is spoken in Europe by the people known as Gypsies (who usually refer to themselves as Rom). There... Les mer
Formulaic Language and the Lexicon
A considerable proportion of our everyday language is formulaic. It is predictable in form, idiomatic, and seems to be stored in fixed, or... Les mer
Language in South Africa
This is a comprehensive and wide-ranging guide to language and society in South Africa. As the authors demonstrate, the South African context offers... Les mer
The Syntax of Hungarian
Clearly written and comprehensive in scope, this is an essential guide to syntax in the Hungarian language. It describes the key grammatical features... Les mer
Australian Languages
Aboriginal people have been in Australia for at least 40,000 years, speaking about 250 languages. Through examination of published and unpublished... Les mer
New Testament Greek
This book offers a selection of texts with vocabulary. Its purpose is to help readers understand and enjoy the New Testament in Greek. There are... Les mer