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Performing the American Frontier, 1870–1906
Performing the American Frontier, 1870–1906 examines how the American frontier was presented in theatrical productions during the critical period... Les mer
Interaction in Poetic Imagery
This is an unusual and original contribution to literary theory. Michael Silk is a classicist, but his book is concerned not only with the literature... Les mer
The Performance of Nobility in Early Modern European Literature
This valuable study illuminates the idea of nobility as display, as public performance, in Renaissance and seventeenth-century literature and... Les mer
The Cambridge History of American Theatre
This is an authoritative and wide-ranging history of American theatre in all its dimensions, from theatre building to playwriting, directors,... Les mer
The Cambridge History of American Theatre
The Cambridge History of American Theatre is an authoritative and wide-ranging history of American theatre in all its dimensions, from theatre... Les mer
A History of Augustan Fable
This book explores the tradition of fable across a wide variety of written and illustrative media, from its origins in classical antiquity to the end... Les mer
The Birth of European Romanticism
It was through Staël’s best-seller De l’Allemagne that the term Romanticism, coined in Germany, reached Europe and America. Around this term,... Les mer
British Satire and the Politics of Style, 1789–1832
This book surveys and interprets the hundreds of satirical poems and prose narratives published in Britain during the Romantic period. Although... Les mer
Fairy Tales, Sexuality, and Gender in France, 1690–1715
Between 1690 and 1715, well over one hundred literary fairy tales appeared in France, two-thirds of them written by women. This book explores why... Les mer
Romantic Sociability
Challenging the assumptions which underlie an understanding of the Romantics as solitary and anti-sociable, and Romanticism as representing the... Les mer
Radical Religion from Shakespeare to Milton
The figure of the puritan has long been conceived as dour and repressive in character, an image which has been central to ways of reading sixteenth-... Les mer
Orientalism in French Classical Drama
Michèle Longino examines the ways in which Mediterranean exoticism inflects the themes represented in French classical drama. Longino explores plays... Les mer
Recovering Shakespeare’s Theatrical Vocabulary
In this rigorous investigation of the staging of Shakespeare’s plays, Alan Dessen wrestles with three linked questions: (1) what did a playgoer at... Les mer
Shakespeare and Dickens
Shakespeare and Dickens traces Dickens’ own interest in Shakespeare from childhood, not only through his own reading and performance but also... Les mer
Jonson, Shakespeare and Early Modern Virgil
In this wide-ranging and original study, Margaret Tudeau-Clayton examines how Virgil - the poet as well as his texts - was mediated in early modern... Les mer
Epistolary Fiction in Europe, 1500–1850
Thomas O. Beebee examines epistolary fiction as a major phenomenon in Europe from the Renaissance to the mid-nineteenth century. His study is the... Les mer
The Language of Sophocles
This book is a wide-ranging study of Sophoclean language. From a detailed analysis of sentence-structure in the first chapter, it moves on to discuss... Les mer
The Play of Character in Plato’s Dialogues
This book attempts to bridge the gulf that still exists between literary and philosophical interpreters of Plato by looking at his use of... Les mer
The Poetics of Imitation
Western literature knows the anacreontic poems best in the translations or adaptations of such poets as Ronsard, Herrick and Goethe. This collection... Les mer
The Discourse of Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century France
This study explores the problems faced by writers of the Enlightenment, who attempted to demystify all previous forms of knowledge by applying... Les mer
Catholicism, Controversy and the English Literary Imagination, 1558–1660
The Catholic contribution to English literary culture has been widely neglected or misunderstood. This book sets out to rehabilitate a wide range of... Les mer
Ruskin’s God
Michael Wheeler challenges critical orthodoxy by arguing that John Ruskin’s writing is underpinned by a sustained trust in divine wisdom: a trust... Les mer
De Quincey’s Romanticism
Margaret Russett uses the example of Thomas De Quincey, the nineteenth-century essayist best remembered for his Confessions of an English Opium-Eater... Les mer
Romanticism, History, and the Possibilities of Genre
Romanticism has often been associated with the mode of lyric, or otherwise confined within mainstream genres. As a result, we have neglected the... Les mer