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A History of Asian American Theatre
In 1965, the first Asian American theatre company, the East West players, was founded by a group of actors who wanted to find better opportunities in... Les mer
Constructing Literature in the Roman Republic
How the Romans came to have a literature, how that literature reflected native and foreign impulses, and how it formed a legacy for subsequent... Les mer
Early American Women Critics
Early American Women Critics demonstrates that performances of various kinds - religious, political, and cultural - enabled women to enter the human... Les mer
Empire of Letters
Among the most frequently reprinted books of the long eighteenth century, English, Scottish and American letter manuals spread norms of polite... Les mer
Shakespeare and Modernism
Artists and writers in early twentieth-century England engaged in a variety of ways with the cultural traditions of Shakespeare as a means of... Les mer
Sisters in Sin
The prostitute, and her sister in sin - the so-called fallen woman - were veritable obsessions of American Progressive Era culture. Their cumulative... Les mer
Derek Walcott
Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott is one of the Caribbean’s most famous writers. His unique voice in poetry, drama and criticism is shaped by his... Les mer
The Internationalisation of Copyright Law
Technological developments have shaped copyright law’s development, and now the prospect of endless, effortless digital copying poses a significant... Les mer
Sextus Propertius: The Augustan Elegist
In 30-15 BC Sextus Propertius composed at Rome four books of elegies which range from erotic to learned to political and exhibit an unparalleled... Les mer
Found in Translation
In considering the practice and theory of translating plays into English from Classical Greek from a theatrical perspective, Found in Translation... Les mer
Russian Modernism between East and West
This book reconstructs the efforts of avant-garde artists, primarily Natal’ia Goncharova and her Muscovite colleagues, to reclaim Russia’s... Les mer
Remaking American Theater
An account of contemporary theater practice in its most collaborative and dynamic form, this is the first book-length study of two of the most... Les mer
Representations of War in Ancient Rome
War suffused Roman life to a degree unparalleled in other ancient societies. Although the place of war in ancient Roman culture has been the subject... Les mer
Testimony after Catastrophe
Survivors of political violence give testimonies in families and communities, trials and truth commissions, religious institutions, psychotherapies,... Les mer
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and Early Modern Print Culture
Second only to the Bible, John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments, known as the Book of Martyrs, was the most influential book published in England during... Les mer
Grammars of Space
Spatial language - that is, the way languages structure the spatial domain – is an important area of research, offering insights into one of the... Les mer
Sign Language and Linguistic Universals
Sign languages are of great interest to linguists, because while they are the product of the same brain, their physical transmission differs greatly... Les mer
The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature
The final volume of The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature explores the Arabic literary heritage of the little-known period from the twelfth to... Les mer
Cambridge History of American Literature
The completion of this renowned series is a landmark event in the field of American literature. Now available together as a set, the eight volumes of... Les mer
Audiatur: Typografiprosjektet
Utstillingen Typografiprosjektet var en del av Audiatur – Festival for ny poesi, som ble arrangert i Bergen 13.-16. oktober 2005. Festivalen satte... Les mer
Signs Taken for Wonders
A compelling analysis of the relations between high and mass culture, from tragedy and horror to detective fiction and classical... Les mer
Jag vill vara alt vitt
En essä om linjer och stämningslägen i Bengt Bergs lyriska författarskap – ironi, leda, humor och en djup reservation mot själva dikten.... Les mer
Konstverkets ursprung
Konstverkets ursprung föreligger nu i en nyöversättning av Sven-Olov Wallenstein. Denna text intar en central plats både i Heideggers eget... Les mer
Postproduction. Culture as Screenplay: How Art Reprograms the World is the most recent essay by French writer and curator Nicolas Bourriaud. The... Les mer