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Galdós: Fortunata and Jacinta
Galdos’s four-part Fortunata and Jacinta (1886–7), the masterpiece among his almost 80 novels, tells the turbulent story of two women, their... Les mer
Enhet i mångfalden
För Henri Michaux är världen inte bara absurd, den är grotesk. Och den språkliga grotesken blir det enda sättet att möta världen och... Les mer
Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation
Gilles Deleuze had several paintings by Francis Bacon hanging in his Paris apartment, and the painter’s method and style as well as his motifs of... Les mer
Charles Baudelaire – den misskände dekadenten – var inte bara en av de verkligt stora poeterna, modernismens viktigaste förelöpare, utan... Les mer
Pronouncing Shakespeare
A collection of anthologies, resource and reference books, including titles from Oscar Wilde, Mary Shelley, Alex Madina, Jo Phillips and Adrian... Les mer
The End of Art
In The End of Art, Donald Kuspit argues that art is over because it has lost its aesthetic import. Art has been replaced by ‘postart’, a term... Les mer
Galdós and the Irony of Language
Benito Pérez Galdós was the foremost Spanish novelist of the nineteenth century. His novels are frequently compared with those of Dickens and... Les mer
Tekster om forskellige aspekter af den bulgarskfødte Elias Canettis (1905-1994) forfatterskab, bl.a. den litterære... Les mer
Racism, Misogyny, and the Othello Myth
Through readings of texts spanning four centuries, and bridging the Atlantic - from genres as diverse as English Renaissance drama, abolitionist... Les mer
Litterära föreställningsvärldar. Litteraturundervisning och litterär förståelse
»Litteratur spelar en viktig roll i våra liv, ofta utan vår vetskap. Den ger oss förutsättningar att utforska både oss själva och andra, att... Les mer
Ledsager til Ovids Metamorfoser
Kommentar, register og kort til Otto Steen Dues reviderede udgave af Ovids... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov
Vladimir Nabokov held the unique distinction of being one of the most important writers of the twentieth century in two separate languages, Russian... Les mer
The Limits of Illusion
This is the first thorough study of Calderón in comparison with other important dramatists of the period: Lope de Vega and Tirso de Molina in Spain,... Les mer
Things Merely Are
This book is an invitation to read poetry. Simon Critchley argues that poetry enlarges life with a range of observation, power of expression and... Les mer
Kan skönlitteraturen ge oss svar på moraliska frågor? Ja, menar de filosofer och litteraturvetare som under de senaste decennierna lyft fram... Les mer
Mannerism in Arabic Poetry
This book attempts to identify elements of mannerism and classicism in medieval Arabic poetry. Mannerism in Arabic has usually been linked with the... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature
Invisible, marginal, expected - these words trace the path of recognition for American Indian literature written in English since the late eighteenth... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Willa Cather
The Cambridge Companion to Willa Cather offers thirteen original essays by leading scholars of a major American modernist novelist. Willa Cather’s... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Ellison
Ralph Ellison’s classic 1952 novel Invisible Man is one of the most important and controversial novels in the American canon and remains widely... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to American Modernism
The Cambridge Companion to American Modernism provides a comprehensive and authoritative overview of American literary modernism from 1890 to 1939.... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to the Latin American Novel
The diverse countries of Latin America have produced a lively and ever evolving tradition of novels, many of which are read in translation all over... Les mer
The Arabian Epic: Volume 1, Introduction
The hero cycles of Arabic belong to the literary tradition of The Arabian Nights and can be seen as the popular epics of their civilisation. The... Les mer
Hugh Primas and the Archpoet
Renowned poet Fleur Adcock here provides modern verse translations of the complete work of two of the most exciting poets of the twelfth century,... Les mer
Flannery O\'Connor and Cold War Culture
This book reconsiders Flannery O’Connor, known primarily for her Catholicism. By recovering the historical circumstances in which Flannery... Les mer