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Samuel Johnson’s Unpublished Revisions to the Dictionary of the English Language
This edition makes available for the first time the largest collection of unpublished material by the great eigteenth-century writer and... Les mer
Cambridge Student Guide to King Richard II
Explanatory notes and guidance to help students understand Shakespeare’s plays. What is King Richard II about? This Cambridge Student Guide will... Les mer
Cambridge Student Guide to Measure for Measure
Explanatory notes and guidance to help students understand Shakespeare’s plays. What is Measure for Measure about? This Cambridge Student Guide... Les mer
Cambridge Student Guide to The Tempest
Explanatory notes and guidance to help students understand Shakespeare’s plays. What is The Tempest about? This Cambridge Student Guide will help... Les mer
Cambridge Student Guide to Coriolanus
Explanatory notes and guidance to help students understand Shakespeare’s plays. What is Coriolanus about? This Cambridge Student Guide will help... Les mer
Cambridge Student Guide to Antony and Cleopatra
Explanatory notes and guidance to help students understand Shakespeare’s plays. What is Anthony and Cleopatra about? This Cambridge Student Guide... Les mer
Video Green
Video Green examines the explosion of late 1990s Los Angeles art driven by high-profile graduate programs. Probing the surface of art-critical... Les mer
Homer: The Odyssey
This handy guide to The Odyssey will introduce students to a text, which has been fundamental to literature for nearly 3000 years. Readers will be... Les mer
Aeschylus: The Oresteia
This is the only general introduction in English to Aeschylus’ Oresteia, one of the most important and most influential of all Greek dramas. It... Les mer
Homer: The Iliad
This volume is a distinctive critical introduction to Homer’s Iliad, the earliest epic poem, and the earliest known work of literature in ancient... Les mer
Virgil: The Aeneid
The Aeneid is a landmark of literary narrative and poetic sensibility. This guide gives a full account of the historical setting and significance of... Les mer
Murasaki Shikibu: The Tale of Genji
Murasaki Shikibu’s The Tale of Genji, written in Japan in the early eleventh century, is acknowledged to be one of Japan’s greatest literary... Les mer
Shakespeare: Hamlet
In this useful guide, Paul Cantor provides a clearly structured introduction to Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy. Cantor examines Hamlet’s... Les mer
Diesseits der Hermeneutik
Daß die Geisteswissenschaften systematisch blind sind gegenüber jenen Schichten kultureller Welten, die nicht zur Dimension von Sinn und Bedeutung... Les mer
Biting the Error
What is the best way to tell a story? In this anthology, the first-ever collection of essays by innovative, cutting-edge writers on the theme of... Les mer
Crack Wars
Ronell uses culturally acceptable addictions such as romance novels, gasoline and more to ask why "there is no culture without drug... Les mer
The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Poetry
The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Poetry presents the major themes, forms, genres and styles of Russian poetry. Using examples from Russia’s... Les mer
Sannheten i maleriet
Filosofen Derrida har flere steder skrevet om kunst og kunsterfaring. I denne boken tar han for seg Heideggers Kunstens opprinnelse, den første... Les mer
Berøringens ABC
Horace Engdahl (f. 1948). Dr. phil. i litteraturvidenskab. Var i slutningen af 1970’erne med til at starte tidsskriftet Kris, som kom til at stå... Les mer
Om diktekunsten
I Om diktekunsten formulerer Aristoteles teorien om dramaets tre enheter: tidens, stedets og handlingens enhet. Her introduseres også sentrale... Les mer
'Poetikken' er i Aristoteles' omfattende og videnskabssættende forfatterskab værket om den menneskelige frembringelse, vi kalder drama, epik,... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Byron
Byron’s life and work have fascinated readers around the world for two hundred years, but it is the complex interaction between his art and his... Les mer
Shakespeare and Domestic Loss
This book re-examines some of Shakespeare’s best-known texts in the light of their engagement with the forms of deprivation which threatened... Les mer
Den sidste avantgarde
Analyse af kunstgruppen Situationistisk Internationale, der i 1950'erne og 1960'erne forsøgte at overskride kunst og politik i revolutionær... Les mer