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Hamlet versus Lear
This book focuses on the two plays of Shakespeare that have generally contended for the title of greatest among his works. Hamlet remained a focal... Les mer
Som du holder mitt hjerte i din ømhet
Jeg holder ditt hode i mine hender, som du holder mitt hjerte i din ømhet slik allting holder og blir holdt av noe annet enn seg selv Slik havet... Les mer
British Romantic Writers and the East
The recent turn to political and historical readings of Romanticism has given us a more complex picture of the institutional, cultural and sexual... Les mer
Ars Poetica
Antologi af franske tekster om poetik fra det tyvende århundrede. Indeholder manifester, essays og poetiske fragmenter af en lang række af den... Les mer
Henry James and the Woman Business
This is a historical critique of Henry James in relation to nineteenth-century feminism and women’s fiction. Habegger has brought to light... Les mer
Byron and the Victorians
This book is the first full-length study of Byron’s influence on Victorian writers, concentrating on Carlyle, Emily Brontë, Tennyson, Bulwer... Les mer
Aeschylus: The Oresteia
This is the only general introduction in English to Aeschylus’ Oresteia, one of the most important and most influential of all Greek dramas. It... Les mer
Murasaki Shikibu: The Tale of Genji
Murasaki Shikibu’s The Tale of Genji, written in Japan in the early eleventh century, is acknowledged to be one of Japan’s greatest literary... Les mer
Shakespeare: Hamlet
In this useful guide, Paul Cantor provides a clearly structured introduction to Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy. Cantor examines Hamlet’s... Les mer
Rameau and Musical Thought in the Enlightenment
This is the first intellectual biography of the French composer and theorist Jean-Philippe Rameau. Rameau synthesised the vocabulary and grammar of... Les mer
Language, Sexuality, Narrative
This book is concerned with the complexity and difficulty of reading the Oresteia. It is not a traditional commentary, although it is often concerned... Les mer
Literature, Education, and Romanticism
In this wide-ranging and detailed book Alan Richardson addresses many issues in literary and educational history never before examined together. The... Les mer
Foreign Shakespeare
Shakespeare has long been considered the pre-eminent poet and dramatist of the English-speaking world. But although he is the most frequently... Les mer
Our Emotional Makeup
Broken hearts, edgy nerves, tightened throats—our emotions grab and take hold of us. But if our emotions appear obvious to us, are they necessarily... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Cambridge Companion to Nathaniel Hawthorne offers students and teachers an introduction to Hawthorne’s fiction and the lively debates that... Les mer
Edith Wharton and the Politics of Race
Edith Wharton feared that the ill-bred, foreign and poor would overwhelm what was known as the American native elite. Drawing on a range of... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to David Mamet
This collection of specially written essays offers both student and theatregoer a guide to one of the most celebrated American dramatists working... Les mer
Literature and Medicine in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Although we have come to regard clinical and romantic as oppositional terms, romantic literature and clinical medicine were fed by the same cultural... Les mer
The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Poetry
The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Poetry presents the major themes, forms, genres and styles of Russian poetry. Using examples from Russia’s... Les mer
Vision and Narrative in Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Clitophon
Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Clitophon, long regarded as the most controversial of the ancient Greek novels, is an outrageous tale of love and... Les mer
Gender and the Poetics of Reception in Poe’s Circle
Poe is frequently portrayed as an isolated idiosyncratic genius who was unwilling or unable to adapt himself to the cultural conditions of his time.... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Cambridge Companion to Harriet Beecher Stowe establishes new parameters for both scholarly and classroom discussion of Beecher Stowe\'s writing... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Theodore Dreiser
Theodore Dreiser is one of the most penetrating observers of the greatest period of social change the United States ever saw. Writing as America... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature
This book offers a comprehensive and lively introduction to major writers, genres and topics in Canadian literature. Addressing traditional... Les mer