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Recovering Shakespeare’s Theatrical Vocabulary
In this rigorous investigation of the staging of Shakespeare’s plays, Alan Dessen wrestles with three linked questions: (1) what did a playgoer at... Les mer
Byron and the Victorians
This book is the first full-length study of Byron’s influence on Victorian writers, concentrating on Carlyle, Emily Brontë, Tennyson, Bulwer... Les mer
Russian Literature and Empire
This is the first book to provide a synthesising study of Russian writing about the Caucasus during the nineteenth-century age of empire-building.... Les mer
The Cambridge History of American Literature
This is the fullest and richest account of the American Renaissance available in any literary history. The narratives in this volume made for a... Les mer
The Arabian Epic: Volume 2, Analysis
The hero cycles of Arabic belong to the literary tradition of The Arabian Nights and can be seen as the popular epics of their civilisation. The... Les mer
Interactions of Thought and Language in Old English Poetry
Peter Clemoes brings a lifetime’s close study of Anglo-Saxon texts to this appreciation of Old English poetry, with an alternative interpretation... Les mer
William Faulkner
A comprehensive collection of contemporary published reactions to the writing of William Faulkner from 1926 to 1962, these articles document the... Les mer
Om det andliga i konsten
"Så ställs frågan: måste vi inte helt avstå från att avbilda föremål, skingra all denna bråte för alla vindar och fullständigt... Les mer
Mann: Doctor Faustus
In Doctor Faustus, his last major novel, Thomas Mann attempted to interpret and judge Germany’s role in European culture and history since the... Les mer
New Essays on The Country of the Pointed Firs
This is a collection of new essays on one of the most important works of New England local colour fiction, The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah... Les mer
Racine: Phèdre
This introductory study presents Racine’s Phèdre as the culmination of French classical tragedy. It situates the play in its historical, literary... Les mer
The Discarded Image
C. S. Lewis’s The Discarded Image paints a lucid picture of the medieval world view, as historical and cultural background to the literature of the... Les mer
The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot
In this Companion, an international team of leading T. S. Eliot scholars contribute studies of different facets of the writer’s work to build up a... Les mer
The Translator in the Text
What does it mean to read one nation's literature in another language? The considerable popularity of Russian literature in the English-speaking... Les mer
Players of Shakespeare 3
This is the third volume of essays by actors with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Thirteen actors describe the Shakespearian roles they played in... Les mer
Heaven, Hell, and the Victorians
The Victorians were obsessed with death, bereavement, and funeral rituals, and speculated vigorously on the nature of heaven, hell, and divine... Les mer
Nadine Gordimer
The award to Nadine Gordimer of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991 was an affirmation of her distinctive contribution to twentieth-century... Les mer
New Essays on The Sound and the Fury
While William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury met with only limited success when published in 1929, it since has become one of the most popular... Les mer
Shakespeare and the Moving Image
Towards the end of the 1980s it looked as if television had displaced cinema as the photographic medium for bringing Shakespeare to the modern... Les mer
Modernist Quartet
Modernist Quartet is a study of the four major American modernist poets (Frost, Stevens, Pound, Eliot) in various historical environments (literary,... Les mer
Essays on Gogol
These fourteen essays reflect the increasingly interdisciplinary character of Russian literature research in general and of the study of Gogol in... Les mer
Shakespeare and the Geography of Difference
In this engaging book, John Gillies explores Shakespeare’s geographic imagination, and discovers an intimate relationship between Renaissance... Les mer
Myth, Truth and Literature
Colin Falck’s book has had a widespread influence since it first appeared in 1989. Hailed as a work that alters the way we think about literary... Les mer
Out of the Sixties
In a highly original study, David Wyatt takes a broad, yet personal, look at the cultural legacy of the sixties through ten creative figures who came... Les mer