Bøker med nøkkelord «Historie»

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Historisk tidsskrift 2/2009
Historisk tidsskrift publiserer artikler, debatt/kommentarbidrag og bokmeldinger av historiefaglige bøker. HT er det sentrale tidsskrift for norsk... > Les mer
Ordet og makten i Russland
I dette småskriftet presenterer Peter Normann Waage noe av den historiske og aktuelle bakgrunnen for ytringsfrihetens kår og vilkår i Russland.... Les mer
The Politics of Spain
Spain’s evolution from authoritarian dictatorship to modern democracy was a remarkable achievement, and it created a model that has since been... Les mer
Addresses to the German Nation
This is the first translation of Fichte’s addresses to the German nation for almost 100 years. The series of 14 speeches, delivered whilst Berlin... Les mer
Henry James and the Culture of Publicity
This book examines the relationship between the writings of Henry James and the historical formation of mass culture. Throughout his career, James... Les mer
Pre-Gay L.A.
This book explores the origins and history of the modern American movement for homosexual rights, which originated in Los Angeles in the late 1940s... Les mer
Dante and Renaissance Florence
Simon Gilson explores Dante’s reception in his native Florence between 1350 and 1481. He traces the development of Florentine civic culture and the... Les mer
Chance and Circumstance
Carolyn Brown, one of the most renowned dancers of the last half-century, lived at the center of New York's bold and vibrant artistic community,... Les mer
Converting Bohemia
Prior to the Thirty Years’ War, almost all of Bohemia’s population lay outside the Catholic fold, yet by the beginning of the eighteenth century... Les mer
Music and the Myth of Arcadia in Renaissance Italy
The idea that there was a time when men and women lived in perfect harmony with nature and with themselves, though rooted in classical antiquity, was... Les mer
A Companion to Russian History
This Companion comprises 28 essays by international scholars offering an analytical overview of the development of Russian history from the earliest... Les mer
The Cambridge History of Turkey
This volume examines the rise of Turkish power in Anatolia from the arrival of the first Turks at the end of the eleventh century to the fall of... Les mer
Medusa 3/2008 – Ny utblickar mot Athen och Rom
MEDUSA är en populärvetenskaplig tidskrift som behandlar Medelhavsvärldens kulturer under antiken men även det antika arvet. Våra artiklar... > Les mer
Medusa 2/2008 – Familjen i antiken
Medusa är en populärvetenskaplig tidskrift som behandlar Medelhavsvärldens kulturer under antiken men även det antika arvet. Våra artiklar... > Les mer
Medusa 1/2008
MEDUSA är en populärvetenskaplig tidskrift som behandlar Medelhavsvärldens kulturer under antiken men även det antika arvet. Våra artiklar... > Les mer
Historisk tidsskrift 4/2008 (87)
Historisk tidsskrift publiserer artikler, debatt/kommentarbidrag og bokmeldinger av historiefaglige bøker. HT er det sentrale tidsskrift for norsk... > Les mer
Moskva 1941: En by i krig
Slaget om Moskva i 1941 var det største slaget under annen verdenskrig. Kampene strakte seg over et område på størrelse med Frankrike, og varte i... Les mer
A Concise History of Sweden
A comprehensive history of Sweden is much needed. Neil Kent's book sweeps through Sweden's history from the Stone Age to the present day. Early... Les mer
The Continuities of German History
This book opens the debate about German history in the long term – about how ideas and political forms are traceable across what historians have... Les mer
Hitler’s African Victims
During its campaign against France in 1940, the German army massacred several thousand black POWs belonging to units drafted in France's West African... Les mer
The Conquests of Alexander the Great
Waldemar Heckel provides a revisionist overview of the conquests of Alexander the Great. Emphasising the aims and impact of his military expeditions,... Les mer
Ancient Greek Divination
The first English-language survey of ancient Greek divinatory methods, Ancient Greek Divination offers a broad yet detailed treatment of the earliest... Les mer
Forest Farmers and Stockherders
Drawing extensively on anthropological theory and ecological models of human adaptation, Forest Farmers and Stockherders explores the single most... Les mer
En liten världshistoria
Ernst Gombrich (1909�2001) är mest känd för sin Konstens historia. Hans första bok var emellertid en världshistoria för »unga läsare», som... Les mer