Bøker med nøkkelord «Poesi»
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A Lesson in Music
Jean Daive was born in 1941. This book is part 7 of his multi-volume work, Narration d'equilibre, of which 9 parts have appeared between 1982...
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Parts of the Mass
This first book of poems juxtaposes contemporary physics, personal and public history, and a passion for the sound of words with the structural arc...
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The Translation Begins
The myth of Diana and Actaeon forms the matrix for this poem which tells of Eros and Language, and of dismemberment. It tries to exasperate...
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If Language
Most anagrammaticians satisfy their urge with the rearranged name of a celebrity (Marshall McLuhan = Malls launch harm) or perhaps, if more...
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A Boy's First Book of Chlamydia
Daniel f. Bradley has been developing his craft in Toronto for the last 20 years with little to no recognition from literary critics. In fact,...
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Pauses in the Procession
A sequence of prose poems by one of the greatest, and least translated, of the Symbolist writers.
Preceded by an essay by Remy de Gourmont.
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Blissful Times
A creature, a possible he actually, in perhaps to whereas,
it hardly / it indeed, be ‘fellow.’
Be asking to appear at, asking to think of,...
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Pencil of Rays and Spiked Mace
Produced in conjunction with the author’s appearance at Harbourfront’s 2004 International Festival of Authors in Toronto as part of their...
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ICON TACT Poems 1984 - 2001
All the sections of ICON TACT were conceived as book-length single texts or serial poems; some of them were published as such in limited editions...
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The Etcetera Barbecue
After the ‘after the end’, after the dreadful pulps, after all manner of casual abortion, cosy mutilation, pointless sacrifice and staggering...
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The Sands of Dream
The Sands of Dream is the first English translation of Thérèse Renaud’s earliest book, considered by some to be the first truly Surrealist...
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Ten Thousand Lives
Born in 1933 in a small rural village in Korea's North Cholla Province, Ko Un grew up in a Japanese-controlled land that was soon to experience the...
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Gifts: The Martyrology Book(s) 7 &
‘All of Nichol’s work is stamped by his desire to create texts that are engaging in themselves as well as in context, and to use indirect...
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The Iliad Book XXII: The Death of Hector
And Achilles swift-footed
he spoke filled with anger:
‘You’ve screwed me, Apollo,
you biggest headfucker of all the gods,
you turned me...
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Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset
"Det desperata känsloläget påminner om den lysande fjolårsromanen 'Yarden' som med poetisk realism beskrev det självupplevda...
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struktur. 16 objekter - forarbejder
Forfatteren skriver:
I 1966 fremstillede Peter Louis-Jensen skulpturen struktur. 16 objekter, 16 masonitkasser med afskåret top som skulle flyttes...
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In September 2003 Rob Read began to edit, transform, and ‘treat’ his incoming junk e-mail or ‘spam’ into poems which were then sent out...
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Je Nathanaël
Je Nathanaël is an endangered text. Neither essay nor poem nor novel nor sex-show, what it takes from language it gives back to the body. Through...
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Vinci, Later
Danish poet Morten Søndergaard has been living abroad and spent some time in the little Italian town of Vinci. The poetry in this collection is...
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