Bøker i kategorien Religion
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Happiness in This Life
His Holiness Pope Francis explores the universal concept of the pursuit of happiness and advises on how, through the search for this elusive concept,...
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Hva er protestantisme
«Perfekt om protestantismen.»
Kjetil Vikene, Forskerforum
«Fremragende fortalt og lesbar for alle.»
Per Jarle Bekken, Nord...
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Religion for Atheists
Alain de Botton's "Religion for Atheists" looks at the God debate with fresh eyes. "All of us", whether religious, agnostic...
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Nye ateistiske stemmer har vært markant til stede i politikken, kulturen og litteraturen i de senere årene. Gjennomslaget og suksessen synes å...
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Mot til å leve Et møte med Paul Tillichs tanker og tro
Paul J. Tillich (1886–1965) var en av de mest innflytelsesrike og omdiskuterte teologene i det 20. århundret. Hans refleksjoner over de...
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Sammanfattning av sönderfallet
När Sammanfattning av sönderfallet publicerades i Frankrike 1949 väckte boken stor uppskattning och belönades med Prix Rivarol för bästa bok...
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Brev till en vän
”Känn avsmak, du kloke man, inför kretsloppet där sa mycket lidande uppkommer – död, sjukdom, ålderdom och så vidare, och där det man...
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Afrikanska religioner
I Afrika spelar religion en stor roll, och dess betydelse har på senare tid ökat snarare än minskat. Även om de flesta afrikaner i dag är...
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Himmel og helvete
Himmel og helvete (1758) er en detaljert utlegning av livet etter det dennesidige, en forklaring på hvor menneskene havner etter at vårt fysiske...
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The Horrors and Absurdities of Religion
A fascinating examination of ethics, religion and psychology, this selection of Schopenhauer's works contains scathing attack on the nature and logic...
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Islams and Modernities
Frequently portrayed as intolerant, medieval and barbaric, Islam has replaced Communism as the main perceived threat to Western civilization and...
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The Divine Sense
A. N. Williams examines the conception of the intellect in patristic theology from its beginnings in the work of the Apostolic Fathers to Augustine...
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The Sins of the Fathers
For nearly two millennia, Western law visited the sins of fathers and mothers upon their illegitimate children, subjecting them to systematic...
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After Tragedy and Triumph
The story of American Jewry is inextricably entwined with the awesome defeat of the Holocaust and the rebirth of the state of Israel. However, for...
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An Introduction to Catholicism
The Vatican. The Inquisition. Contraception. Celibacy. Apparitions and miracles. Plots and scandals. The Catholic Church is seldom out of the news....
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Islam og friheten
I Islam og friheten forklarer den verdensberømte islam-reformatoren Tariq Ramadan hvordan man kan leve et fullverdig liv som muslim i...
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The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science
Peter Harrison provides an account of the religious foundations of scientific knowledge. He shows how the approaches to the study of nature that...
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Europeisk islam
I boken Europeisk islam – å være muslim i Vesten, forklarer Tariq Ramadan hvordan islam på en meningsfull måte kan inngå i den europeiske...
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Alternative Christs
Few, if any, individuals have had such a profound influence on Western culture as Jesus, even though not a single detail of his life or teaching can...
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An Introduction to World Anglicanism
What is the nature of world Anglicanism in a postcolonial, global age? With talk of fragmentation constantly in the media, what does it mean to be...
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The New Testament Text of Saint Ambrose
St Ambrose of Milan (AD 340–97) has always been considered one of the four great doctors of the Latin Church. He was a great ecclesiastical...
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The Spirit of the Counter-Reformation
Outram Evennett was a university lecturer in history at Cambridge and a Fellow of Trinity College. This book, based on his Birkbeck Lectures of 1951,...
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