Bøker i kategorien Sosiologi
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On the Success of Failure
This book is about the practice of grade retention in elementary school, a particularly vexing problem in urban school systems, where upward of half...
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Building Virtual Communities
Building Virtual Communities examines how learning and cognitive change are fostered by online communities. Contributors to this volume explore this...
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Human Nature in Utopia - Zamyatin
"Engaging, provocative in the best sense, Cooke's is an excellent book." --George Gutsche, University of Arizona
"The virtuoso...
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Children, Social Science, and the Law
This important book broadens our conceptualization of the topic of children and law, addressing a wide-ranging set of issues in need of attention....
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Community and Civil Society
Ferdinand Tönnies’ Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (first published in 1887) is a classic of social and political theory, which explores the clash...
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Literacy in American Lives
This book traces the changing conditions of literacy learning over the past century as they were felt in the lives of Americans born between 1895 and...
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Religion, Theology and the Human Sciences
Religion, Theology and the Human Sciences explores the religious consequences of the so-called end of history and triumph of capitalism as they have...
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Community and Civil Society
Ferdinand Tönnies’ Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (first published in 1887) is a classic of social and political theory, which explores the clash...
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Literacy in American Lives
This book traces the changing conditions of literacy learning over the past century as they were felt in the lives of Americans born between 1895 and...
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Brottsprevention som begrepp och samhällsfenomen
Förebyggande arbete framhålls ofta som något nytt, positivt och rationellt. Det rättfärdigar insatser som annars skulle ifrågasättas....
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Beständig ojämlikhet
Varför är alla moderna samhällen ojämlika? Är det något som är önskvärt eller av naturen givet, eller kan det reformeras bort? I denna nya...
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Att möta främlingar
Hur reagerar vi när vi möter främlingar? Vilka uttryck kan dessa känslor ta sig?
De tio bidragen i denna antologi ger, med utgångspunkt i...
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Community, Solidarity and Belonging
Despite the frequency with which the term community is used, it is hard to find any comprehensive exploration of the nature and value of community....
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The Future of Career
The fragmented nature of modern working life is leading to fundamental changes in our understanding of the term career. Few people now expect to have...
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Communities of Practice
This book presents a theory of learning that starts with the assumption that engagement in social practice is the fundamental process by which we get...
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Between Politics and Science
This book combines political-economic, sociological and historical approaches to provide a coherent framework for analysing the changing relationship...
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De-Facing Power
In this major contribution to the power debate, Clarissa Rile Hayward challenges the prevailing view which treats power as something powerful people...
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Community, Solidarity and Belonging
Despite the frequency with which the term community is used, it is hard to find any comprehensive exploration of the nature and value of community....
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The Future of Career
The fragmented nature of modern working life is leading to fundamental changes in our understanding of the term career. Few people now expect to have...
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Etablerade och outsiders
Vad sker i ett vanligt bostadsområde i en engelsk industristad när en grupp nyinflyttade arbetare från London söker anpassa sig till stadsdelen?...
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Det extraordinäras lockelse
"Luffarturismen" har blivit en populär form av resande. Många svenskar för under en tid – ibland flera månader eller år – en...
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Den ensamma massan
David Riesmans klassiska arbete Den ensamma massan (The Lonely Crowd) är den amerikanska sociologins genom tiderna mest sålda bok. Denna nya och...
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The Cambridge Companion to Modern Spanish Culture
This book offers a comprehensive account of modern Spanish culture, tracing its dramatic and often unexpected development from its beginnings after...
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