Bøker med nøkkelord «Psykologi»

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Jacques Lacan
Jacques Lacan is one of the most challenging and controversial of contemporary thinkers, as well as the most influential psychoanalyst since Freud.... Les mer
Errors of Justice
In this book, Brian Forst takes a fresh new perspective on the assessment of criminal justice policy, examining the prospect of assessing policies... Les mer
En sikker base
John Bowlby (1907-90) var som psykoanalytiker af den freudske, objektrelationsteoretiske tradition tidligt inspireret af etologiske studier, som... Les mer
Companions in Crime
Criminologists often allude to peer influence in explanations of crime and delinquency, but the meaning of that concept rarely receives careful... Les mer
Situational Prison Control
This book examines the control of problem behaviour in prison from a situational crime prevention perspective. Following the success of situational... Les mer
Thinking about Political Psychology
Some of the leading scholars in political psychology discuss and debate some of the major issues in the field. Scholars define the boundaries of the... Les mer
Situational Prison Control
This book examines the control of problem behaviour in prison from a situational crime prevention perspective. Following the success of situational... Les mer
Psykoanalysen i grundtræk
Det i omfang beskedne, men i indhold ganske omfattende skrift bliver ofte betegnet som Freuds videnskabelige testamente, hans sidste (om end... Les mer
At knytte og bryde nære bånd
John Bowlby var som psykoanalytiker af den freudske, objektrelationsteoretiske tradition tidligt inspireret af etologiske studier, som forankrede... Les mer
Elements of Reason - Series
Many social scientists want to explain why people do what they do. A barrier to constructing such explanations used to be a lack of information on... Les mer
Elements of Reason
Many social scientists want to explain why people do what they do. A barrier to constructing such explanations used to be a lack of information on... Les mer
Impersonal Influence
People’s perceptions of the attitudes and experiences of mass collectives are an increasingly important force in contemporary political life. In... Les mer
Fantasi och kreativitet i barndomen
Den kommande människan uppnår allt med hjälp av den skapande fantasin: att orientera sig i framtidens värld och skapa ett beteende, som grundar... Les mer
With Malice toward Some
With Malice toward Some: How People Make Civil Liberties Judgments addresses an issue integral to democratic societies: how people faced with a... Les mer
With Malice toward Some
With Malice toward Some: How People Make Civil Liberties Judgments addresses an issue integral to democratic societies: how people faced with a... Les mer
Oidipus vid korsvägen
Vi lever i en tid när det finns möjligheter för människor (åtminstone i den rika världen) att välja färdriktning på sina liv och själva... Les mer
Reasoning and Choice
Drawing on a multitude of data sets and building on analyses carried out over more than a decade, this book offers a major new theoretical... Les mer
The Psychology of Crime
What is criminal behaviour? How is it identified? What is the role of the police and the courts? What is the evidence for hopes of controlling and... Les mer
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan
"A modernist work of art is by definition 'incomprehensible"; it functions as a shock, as the irruption of a trauma which undermines the... Les mer
Reasoning and Choice
Drawing on a multitude of data sets and building on analyses carried out over more than a decade, this book offers a major new theoretical... Les mer
Automatism, Insanity, and the Psychology of Criminal Responsibility
This is a book about the role that psychological impairment should play in a theory of criminal liability. Criminal guilt in the Anglo-American legal... Les mer
Psykoanalys och marxism
Wilhelm Reich (født 24. mars 1897, død 3. november 1957) var en psykiater, psykoanalytiker og forfatter født av jødiske foreldre i Ukraina... Les mer
Public Faces and Private Identities in Seventeenth Century Holland
During the seventeenth century, Dutch portraits were actively commissioned by corporate groups and by individuals from a range of economic and social... Les mer