Veil Politics in Liberal Democratic States

In this exciting and challenging account of the development and sustainability of the liberal democratic state, Ajume H. Wingo offers a completely new perspective from that provided by political theorists. Such theorists will typically argue for the basic values of liberal democracies by rationally justifying them. This book argues that it is non-rational factors - rhetoric, symbols, traditions - that more often than not provide the real source of motivation. Drawing from both historical and philosophical sources Ajume H. Wingo demonstrates that these ‘veils’, as he calls them, can play an essential role in a thriving, stable liberal democratic state. This theory of veil politics furnishes a conceptual framework within which we can reassess the role of aesthetics in politics, the nature and function of political myths in liberal democracies, and the value of civic education.

• Radical challenge to contemporary political theory • Strong endorsement of author from Jeremy Waldron in a special preface to the book • Interdisciplinary appeal across philosophy, political science, law, and sociology


1. Introduction to veil politics; 2. History, culture and persons; 3. Liberalism and veil politics; 4. The art of liberal politics; 5. Civic education in a liberal state.


‘… there has always been a shortage of thinkers willing to do the hard work of giving an affirmative account of what is supposed to be lacking in the liberal picture, thinkers who are not content merely to carp but who set out to show what a richer and more adequate philosophy of politics would look like. Ajume Wingo is one of the very few who are willing and able to do this, and for that reason I believe this book marks the emergence of a refreshing new voice in political theory … we should be grateful to Ajume Wingo for teaching us to see things new and for showing us - in a way that many of us would do well to imitate - how the new things that we see can be incorporated into our reflection on the things that for too long have been dominating our vision.’ Jeremy Waldron, Columbia Law School